Online dating profiles and spidey senses.

There are some things in life that we know never to trust. For instance, with the exception of cheerleaders, everyone knows not to trust an outhouse in the middle of a forest in the middle of the night. Obviously serial killers – not to mention slugs (gross) – will be lurking there.

Everyone also knows not to trust a country song that starts out happy. It’s just stringing you along for that tragic moment when someone leaves, dies, cheats or loses at cards.

Finding more money in your bank account than you thought you had; missing a period; and the word “virtually”, all inspire ominous rumblings deep down in our conscious minds.

Yet, for me, nothing makes my spidey senses tingle quite like looking at a dating profile where a man is wearing a hat in every picture. Baseball cap in one; ski hat in another; fedora, cowboy hat, swimming cap…hummm…methinks there’s a bald spot hidden somewhere.

Generally, when men have hats on in every picture, they’re trying to hide their hair. But to what end? Sooner or later that hat will have to come off and, chances are, it’ll be sooner. I mean, at some point, a woman will wonder. If you think that you will first get her love you and then you’ll show her your bald spot –  that can backfire. Likely, she’ll feel you were trying to trick her, or worse – that you didn’t trust her to be anything other than shallow. Neither scenario works out well for you.

These same rules apply for women and their loose clothing. A lot of women have dating profiles with countless pictures posted, but every single one hides her body. She’s either wearing loose clothing; bundled up in big winter clothing; is sitting at a table where you can’t really see her body; or, has only posted head shots.

Bait and switch is a bad idea.

Imagine an ad for a home that looks great on the outside, but is a mess on the inside. Or an ad for a couch where all it shows is the pillow? How would you feel if you saw an ad for a fantastic adventure movie but, after you paid admission, you found out it was foreign with no subtitles?

Point is – truth in advertising holds true for dating profiles.

Don’t hide baldness or weight. Don’t cover yourself up and, more importantly, don’t assume that your looks are flaws. Just go forward by presenting your full, whole beautiful self. Take a confident position.

Don’t know how? Then hire a professional ad writer (me) to write your online dating profile. I’ll make sure that your best traits are the ones you put forward without having to “cover up” or deceive anyone.

For help on how to write a great online dating profile, check out the samples or go straight to the fun free personality quiz. It’ll help you uncover some of your unique traits and see yourself in a more positive light.

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