What not to wear on your online dating profile.

In just one page of men’s online dating profiles, I saw one single man completely hidden under a cowboy hat and dark sunglasses. I saw another man, not hidden enough, in a tight undershirt. I also saw a man wearing sunglasses that, for some reason, were across his forehead.

The single women fared a bit better though I was a bit confused as to why one woman was dressed in a business suit as waves appeared to be crashing behind her.

Conversely, I was not surprised at all by the amount of cleavage I saw on the women’s dating profiles. No, that’s not true. There was one picture with more cleavage than I could ever imagine. I’m straight yet it made even me stop and read her profile. Of note: according to this half naked woman, “gentleman” are hard to find. Clearly, so is good grammar but maybe I’m just picky.

All this to say, here are some suggestions of what not to wear:

1) Don’t wear face gear, hats and clothes that cover you up so that people can only imagine what you look like.

2) Wear enough clothes so that you do leave at least some things to the imagination.

3) Feel free to show off your best assets but do so in moderation.

4) Remember that undershirts are appropriately named because they go on under shirts and are not meant as substitutes for shirts.

5) Wear all the baseball caps you want, but at least have one picture that shows your head.

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