An interesting singles site. Meet Market Adventures.

If you want to meet singles, check out It doesn’t replace large dating sites like Lavalife or Match, but it’s a great addition to them. creates fun events for singles. The events range from wine tasting and cooking nights to hiking and horseback riding outings, and they attract (and welcome) members of all ages.  It’s a great way to meet new people with similar interests and to get back some of the interaction that gets lost in the digital age.

Because you end up in a group of people of different ages who are gathered to enjoy a specific activity, you don’t experience the pressure associated to the “meet and greets” of online dating.

In fact, because it’s a “singles service” versus a traditional dating service, outings aren’t organized with equal parts men and women. They’re offered on a first come first serve basis. This too takes the pressure off. accommodates members all across North America. As someone who’s experienced their outings first-hand, I can attest that they’re a lot of fun.

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