Being David Hasselhof. One of many things more embarrassing than online dating.

There are plenty of things for people to be embarrassed about. I’m sure the Carpenters would re-think their cover of “Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft” if they could. Learning how to dive into a pool as an adult could be pretty embarrassing too (though hilarious for onlookers). Making a living as a mascot wouldn’t be something you’d beat your chest about either unless, of course, say it with me…you’re dressed as a gorilla.

Lastly, being David Hasselhoff would be pretty humiliating. Then again, if you’re David Hasselhoff you’re probably protected by misguided narcissism and don’t really know that you should be embarrassed, in the same way that William Shatner probably feels no shame for his tour de force cover of Rocket Man.

The list of reasons for any one us to be embarrassed is probably longer than an episode of Gene Simmons’ Family Jewels feels. However, one thing no one should feel embarrassed about is online dating. Yet, some people still do. Often these are the people who cannot get their egos around the fact that they want a partner, mate, loved one. Or, more accurately, they can’t get their ego-hindered heads around the fact that they’re a bit lonely and that, to them, loneliness equals some kind of neediness. Moreover, to these people who think loneliness is bad enough, online dating equals pathetic.

My suggestion? Get over yourselves. People are born to need others and we all want to be loved. It’s as essential as food, water and HBO (seriously, was there even life before Dexter?). That you want someone to share your life is nothing to be embarrassed about, and being without someone (and having to actively look) does not make you a loser. Look how long it can take to shop for a good mango. Do you really think that finding the perfect partner would be easy? Looking for, and finding, the right one can take time and careful consideration.

In addition, looking for someone online is a way of meeting that has become entirely commonplace. To be embarrassed about it is as old school as parachute pants. This is an age where countries and cultures are brought together with a simple URL. Why wouldn’t the same apply to men and women?

So don’t let your ego get in the way of enjoying a great option to meet other singles. Also, don’t let ego or sheepishness get in the way of fully immersing yourself in the effort onine dating requires from taking a great photo to writing a kick ass profile. Dating online is a great opportunity for you to find the one so do it with no ego and with all your heart.

For help getting started, check out the samples or go straight to the fun free personality quiz.

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