Online Dating and LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice
I regularly critique excerpts from random dating and LinkedIn profiles (for anonymity). By pointing out dos and don'ts from actual profiles, you too can look at your own with a critical eye and improve on your personal branding.
Online Dating and Brad Pitt’s Ponytail.

The other day a friend said, “Hey, you look like Brad Pitt”. This disturbed me for three good reasons: A) I’m a female B) I don’t have dark blond hair C) Last I checked (and I check regularly!), I didn’t have facial hair. Truthfully, it was C that caused me the greatest concern. Thankfully, my worries were pacified when she added, “He was at some show wearing a ponytail too.” Like many females, I’ve been donning a ponytail off and… read more →
Is Your Online Dating Profile Pushing or Pulling?

The other day a friend of mine posted the stunningly effective ad campaign above on her Facebook page. Not surprisingly, it received likes. One person, however, weighed in by holding the victims accountable. Essentially, her theory was that young girls should avoid being sold to traffickers. The simplistic reasoning should have made me realize that she was just one of those people who likes to be provocative. It occurred to me then that I’ve seen this tactic on dating profiles too.… read more →
Dating, Cyrus and Sweet Lorraine.
Sometimes sex sells us short. Miley Cyrus’s performance at the VMAs was called everything from lewd to racist. Personally, I don’t think African Americans have exclusive rights to twerking, nor do I think most would want to. However, I would agree with the former. Still, as the drama unfolded, all I could think of is that this is a 20-year old girl. She’s barely out of her teens. Yet, with the approval of parents and managers, she went out on… read more →
Four tips for writing a job posting (that can save you money!)
Not long ago a friend of mine, who’s also a copywriter, sent me a job posting that had infuriated her. It was for a writing position and included a list of appropriate qualifications like strong editing and writing skills for the organization’s website, promotional materials and advertising initiatives. However, It also included a list of excessive qualifications like knowledge of Illustrator, Abode and other design tools. Oh and production – you needed knowledge of production. As a copywriter myself, I… read more →
Online dating profiles and Ashton Kutcher.

According to recent news reports, and by news I (admittedly) mean TMZ, Ashton Kutcher gave a surprisingly thoughtful and intelligent speech at the Teen Choice Awards. It even impressed Rush Limbaugh who usually just likes to listen to himself speak. It’s easy to misjudge the acumen of someone whose professional highlights can be summed up by “Dude, where’s my car” and “Punked”. In fact, it’s quite common to …um… …by the way, is anyone else disturbed by the thought of… read more →
Luv and online dating profiles.

Not long ago, I noticed that people were throwing around the expression “I heart” rather than saying “I love”. I assume this was meant to be cute. Personally, as a writer and someone over 3 years of age, I found it to be annoying. I’m fine with using a heart as a symbol for love. It’s a great visual and has certainly been used successfully in the ads for New York. However, to use it instead of love in a… read more →
Online Dating Profiles and Kimye.
The other day I read that Kanye West is a great dad and has been for the entire two months that he’s been a Dad. After all, he flew in for the birth of his child and has been by her side since. “Great”. It seems Kim’s maternal instincts are inspiring too. When Pussycat Dolls founder, Robin Antin, saw her holding the baby, she couldn’t help but gush, ‘Oh, my God. You’re a natural.’ It’s true. Not everyone can hold… read more →
LinkedIn Endorsements and Nuclear Science.

According to my LinkedIn profile, I’m skilled at everything from nuclear science to circumcisions (don’t worry I’m actually not….then again, depending on how you look at it, do worry…). My contacts are geniuses too so I guess I’m in good company. It seems that the endorsement feature is making high-achievers out of all us. It also seems to be making liars out of us too, however inadvertently. Personally, I go through a vicious cycle. After I’ve received a number of… read more →
Dear Geraldo, 70 is not the new 50.

Online dating success for boomers. To every boomer out there, let me say this: don’t trade your dignity for a cell phone self-portrait of your half-naked upper body. Look carefully through your progressive lenses and note that, while your abs may be tight, your skin isn’t. That’s because you aren’t 20. You aren’t 30. You’re not even 40. For the record, if you’re 70 then you’re also not 50 – and that’s okay. When Geraldo tweeted a half-naked selfie along… read more →
Online Dating Profiles. Oh The Agony, Part 27.

I remember the first time I saw a brow furrow. It was my Mom’s. It happened when she watched me place a bowl of ice cream into the microwave. It happened again when I explained that heating the ice cream brought out the taste. I’ve learned a lot about brow furrows since that day.Mainly I’ve discovered that, however adept I am at causing them on others, nothing beats reading online dating profiles when it comes to causing them on me.… read more →