Online Dating and LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice
I regularly critique excerpts from random dating and LinkedIn profiles (for anonymity). By pointing out dos and don'ts from actual profiles, you too can look at your own with a critical eye and improve on your personal branding.
LinkedIn profile or sleep aid?

Today I scanned a number of arbitrary LinkedIn profiles and realized that even back-to-back episodes of “Married to a Jonas” would be more interesting. Boring does not begin to describe what I read. I saw claims of “proven leadership, proven performance, proven results” with no proof to back them up. The same held true of “demonstrated”, a word people seemed to throw around without actually demonstrating anything. People also listed traits like “well-organized” and “responsible”, which are a far too… read more →
Online dating profiles: tips from Taylor Swift’s head.

A lot of people make fun of Taylor Swift. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey implied she was boy-hungry at the 2013 Golden Globes. Conversely, Chelsea Handler poked (so to speak) fun at her presumed virginity. Personally, if I were a 23-year old woman making $57 million a year, these meanies could screw themselves. That said, the other day I saw a video of Swift headbanging while wearing a lavender swing dress. I admit, it was mesmerizing, but I was still appalled.… read more →
True Love Can Come For Free

Every so often I’m contacted by my friend, Bing, in England who represents a number of online dating sites in the UK. Given that I have clients on that side of the world too, Bing occasionally sends along articles of interest to them – like this one from Emma Walters at If you are taking the first step in attempting online dating, it probably seems rather daunting. What website do you sign up to? Is the site good quality? How… read more →
Gay online dating profiles vs straight ones: oh snap!

That gay married couples are not entitled to the same constitutional rights as straight married couples baffles me. That some states – especially California, home to San Francisco, Palm Springs and Richard Simmons – won’t even recognize gay marriage has me completely perplexed. That arguments for and against these issues are actually being discussed, let alone heard in the Supreme Court, astonishes me. It would seem that gay people and straight people are different when it comes to love and… read more →
Is your LinkedIn bio a little personal?

If it isn’t, then it needs to be. Social media has created a culture where familiarity, not formality, inspires trust. More importantly, familiarity creates a bond by resonating with your audience in a very human way. In this age of Siri, we all want a personal touch. We want a real person. That’s why now, more than ever, the “real” you needs to come alive when you’re presenting yourself on screen. After all, in business, there’s nothing more powerful and persuasive… read more →
Online dating profile writing tip: find your inner Yoko.

In the news this week: Lindsay went braless (gasp), Beyonce posed for H & M, and Yoko Ono tweeted shots of John Lennon’s bloody glasses to deliver her opinion on gun control. Of these women, who do you think is the sexiest? My vote goes to Yoko. At 80 years old, she boasts a fearless and fearsome passion – that is, a power – that can outstrip, outshake and outdo women well over half her age. She’s been like that… read more →
Online dating profiles and catfish tales.
The number one tip to avoid catfishing? Read on, you’ll be hooked. I was on two talk shows recently and both addressed online dating and catfishing (here’s an edited version with solid dating safety advice). For those unfamiliar with the term, a catfish is someone who posts a fake online dating profile and fools interested parties hook, line and sinker (oh come on, someone had to say it). It’s been the subject of a movie and an MTV show. In addition,… read more →
Online dating profiles and the biggest mistake women make.
A blog inspired by International Women’s Day. As an online dating profile writer, it’s my job to check out common mistakes made on dating profiles. I tend to take a critical eye based on my marketing expertise (I’ve been an ad writer for years). Nevertheless, there’s one mistake that women make and it has nothing to do with marketing fundamentals. It has everything to do with self-esteem. That is – too many women make the mistake of apologizing for themselves.… read more →
Dennis, Kim Jong and the things we do for love.

We don’t hate you Dennis. You’re just following your heart. Elton John and Chris Brown are buds. Charlie Sheen has taken Lindsay Lohan under his wing. And now, Dennis Rodman has become fast friends with Kim Jong Un. You’d think he’d be through with power-hungry dictators after Madonna and yet there he is calling Kim Jong a great guy. Oops, I mean an “awesome” guy. Sorry, didn’t mean to be dismissive. What’s more intriguing – though he has the critical… read more →