Online Dating and LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice
I regularly critique excerpts from random dating and LinkedIn profiles (for anonymity). By pointing out dos and don'ts from actual profiles, you too can look at your own with a critical eye and improve on your personal branding.
Writing your online dating profile. A how-to guide especially for men.
If you’re a single guy and having trouble filling out your online dating profile, then this blog will help. I’m ad writer so I’m trained to write persuasive copy with a positive spin. I’m also a profile writer who offers insights (and services) to help single men and women stand out in the competitive environment of online dating. Check out my online dating profile samples and see. Men are brilliant at evading life-threatening questions like, “does this make me look fat”. They… read more →
We see boobs too. A dating blog inspired by the Oscars.

Jim, Charlie, Doug…it seems the biggest boobs on screen are men. I like Seth McFarlane. He’s multi and mega talented. I especially like his voice work. As an ad writer, I’ve hired a lot of talented voice-overs for my radio spots, but none compare to him. I also like Family Guy. It’s brilliant and juvenile. I’ve been known to watch marathons of it. I like Celine Dion too so, if you’re going to judge me on anything, I’d start… read more →
Meet singles with great online dating profile. Help for NYC singles.
If you’ve been reading my blogs recently, you’ll have noticed that I’m visiting online dating sites throughout New York and picking excerpts from random online dating profiles to critique. My recent posts have focused on NYC singles, but other cities and states will be covered. Ultimately, I hope that, by showing examples of online dating profiles, the insights will help you improve your online dating profile too. Because I’m an ad writer, as well as online dating profile writer, I’m… read more →
Improve your online dating profile. Special NYC singles edition.
Because I have a background in writing ads, in addition to being an online dating profile writer, I’m in the unique position to give online dating profile writing tips based on marketing techniques. Please feel free to check out my bio and my online dating profile samples. Sometimes the best way to provide tips on how to improve your online dating profile is through examples. As such, I’ve been picking excerpts from random online dating profiles that I’ve found on… read more →
How to improve your online dating profile. NYC singles edition.
Once again I’m featuring an excerpt from an online dating profile that I randomly chose from one of the online dating sites catering to NYC singles. Following the excerpt (modified slightly for anonymity) is a critique, which can help you write a better online dating profile. Every time I write a critique, it provides you with an insight that’s based on my work as online dating profile writer, as well as my years of experience working as a copywriter and… read more →
Online dating profile help for singles in New York.
Over the past while, I’ve posted excerpts from arbitrary dating profiles that I’ve found on NYC singles sites and then I’ve critiqued them. The excerpts have been slightly modified to maintain the anonymity of the person. The critiques are based on my work as an online dating profile writer, as well as on years of experience as a copywriter and marketing expert. Please feel free to check out my bio and my online dating profile samples. Here’s an excerpt from the… read more →
Samples of online dating profiles from NYC singles
For this blog post, I’m still focused on dating sites catering to New York singles. I’ve looked through countless online dating profiles and, for the next few days at least, I’ll continue to critique the online dating profile writing of certain ones that I’ve chosen arbitrarily. Please note that I’m only taking excerpts from the dating profiles that I’ve chosen. Plus, I’m modifying them slightly to maintain anonymity. My advice on how to write your online dating profile comes from… read more →
Examples of online dating profiles inspired by NYC singles.
As an ad writer and online dating profile writer, I’m in the unique position to offer marketing tips on how to improve your online dating profile. Please feel free to check out my bio, as well as the online dating profile samples of my work. For this post, I’ve chosen to critique the online dating profile of single 39-year old male in NYC. I chose the dating profile arbitrarily and I’m only featuring an expert to maintain his anonymity. Single 39… read more →
Online dating profile examples from NYC singles.
This week, I’m critiquing more online dating profiles written by single men and women dating in New York. The critiques are based on my expertise as a copywriter and marketing expert. I choose dating profiles arbitrarily and then post an excerpt that’s somewhat modified for the sake of anonymity. Please feel free to check out my bio, as well as the online dating profile samples of my work. This excerpt is from the dating profile of a 46 year old… read more →
Online dating and wedding bells!
I’ve spent years writing ads and, more recently, writing online dating profiles. A such, I know that a great presentation increases your chances of success when online dating. Don’t believe it can happen? Then read this guest post. Here’s the last post by CB who’s entertained us with her story of finding love online and all the steps that happened leading up to the altar. This is the conclusion. Enjoy! WEDDING DAY The day finally arrived. The skies were a glorious… read more →