Online Dating and LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice
I regularly critique excerpts from random dating and LinkedIn profiles (for anonymity). By pointing out dos and don'ts from actual profiles, you too can look at your own with a critical eye and improve on your personal branding.
LinkedIn profiles, lip sync battles and lessons you can learn.

The other day I wrote a blog about what lip syncing can teach you about writing a dating profile. Now it’s time to apply those same lessons toward a winning LinkedIn profile (and About Me, of course!). When Dwayne Johnson made his lip syncing debut on Spike TV, I didn’t anticipate the former wrestler to do it to Taylor Swift. Yet, there he was shake, shake, shaking it off – rap number included. It was hilarious. It was also unexpected and memorable.… read more →
Online dating profiles and lessons learned from lip syncing.

Does your online dating profile need a wrecking ball? I’m a big fan of celebrity lip syncing battles. They’re funny, creative and memorable. I doubt I’ll ever forget Anne Hathaway’s, Wrecking Ball, any time soon (or that finger). What else do I think lip sync battles are? Inspiring. How? Because they teach us three big lessons about marketing ourselves. Want to write a great online dating profile? Then take a cue from these comedians. 1. Dust off your dating profile and make… read more →
Meet the hiking boot that takes online dating to new heights.

I was putting together my monthly newsletter. It includes a section on how certain techniques used to write billboards can help us when marketing our own selves. In doing the research for that section, I came across this billboard and I just loved it! It’s so simple, catchy and memorable. It’s also a very good example of how you can take something commonplace, like a hiking boot, and make it stand out. Better yet, that otherwise boring shoelace becomes magical… read more →
About Me profiles about nothing.

I just read an About Me that was over 600 words long. Yet not one word was actually worthy of consideration, let alone serious consideration. The profile was that of a photographer. Ultimately, he was trying to sell his services. However, because of the way he sold himself, he was ineffective in reaching this objective. Moreover, anyone who demands that much of a reader’s attention needs to make every word count. He didn’t. Don’t write your About Me as you… read more →
When great lives make bad dating profiles.

I read the online dating profile of a 43-year old woman today. It felt like the literary equivalent of a smiley face – happy, but lacking in substance. Here’s an excerpt: I have a great job, great kids, great outlook on life and a great sense of humour. I love to do things and enjoy everything I can. She uses “great” so many times that she sounds like Jessica, the Daily Affirmation girl – who’s really cute, but also just… read more →
The biggest mistake you can make writing your cover letter.

Dating profiles, LinkedIn profiles, About Us pages and even cover letters are all about marketing yourself. The environments in which they’re posted are competitive ones. Other people are vying for the same attention you are. It’s the first impression you make. It’s also your only chance at making a lasting impression. That’s imperative especially when it comes to cover letters. Imagine the job of a potential employer or recruiter in the midst of a search. They could be reading dozens,… read more →
How a bad pun can make a great dating profile.

I read this profile on POF and was pretty impressed with it. A lot can be improved (I’d have suggested my Most Popular service where I keep the foundation, but add other great touches). However, there were some very good aspects. I’ve italicized some of the excerpts followed by my critique. I like spending as much time as I can outdoors – preferably by a large body of water. I do yoga, go hiking, read books, try to not suck at… read more →
Online dating and taking a break.
In the past, I’ve suggested that it never hurts to take a break from online dating. Now I’m following my own advice. Though I’ll continue writing online dating and LinkedIn profiles, I’ll be taking a break from writing this blog. I’ve truly appreciated the emails and newsletter sign ups from those of you who follow it. I’ll be sure to let you know when I take it up again. As you know, I put in real time and effort to… read more →