Online Dating and LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice
I regularly critique excerpts from random dating and LinkedIn profiles (for anonymity). By pointing out dos and don'ts from actual profiles, you too can look at your own with a critical eye and improve on your personal branding.
The two most important words in online dating.

I read a blog the other day by a woman lamenting the fact that a man she’d been writing to on JDate had suddenly stopped writing. She couldn’t understand it. Worse still, she had heard about this happening to others too. “Why, oh why, do guys do that?”, she asked. Meanwhile I had a friend complain that he had sent a woman an email and that she never even bothered to open it. He couldn’t figure out why she’d ignored… read more →
The question every single online dater asks (and the answer).

I read an online dating blog the other day chastising men to “man up”. The writer gave a lot of good online dating advice and I agreed with all her points except one. She thinks men should ask a woman for her number. I think that’s a bad idea. Generally speaking the rules of courtship apply to online dating just as they do to offline. However, you still have to remember that, while you’re online, you’re not actually dating. You… read more →
Sexist online dating advice that women need to read.

Right now, at this very moment, somewhere across North America some female is valiantly defending our gender against the damning stereotype that women are nags. Meanwhile, across countless dating sites, thousands of single women are proving her wrong. In my estimation, women dating online go on rants more often than do men. They also waste much of their dating profile listing the demands that suitors require before being deemed worthy. Worse still, these women do so with the caveat that… read more →
Can the worst first date ever be the funniest (the answer is yes!)?

I usually write blog posts that provides tips on how to write your online dating profile. But, today, a client send me such a funny “bad first date” that I had to share it. Apparently this story was heard on Jay Leno. In fact, the story is a hoax. But still, it’s so funny I had to share. It also makes me wonder what your worst date story is. If you have any that you’d like to send in, please… read more →
Clever dating profile or kiss of death?

I found a woman’s dating profile on okCupid today that began by intriguing me. She wrote her “About Me” summary in a way that was different and conversational. It described her interests, but did so in a manner that also suggested she had a good sense of humor. However, what started out as an interesting online dating profile ended up coming across disingenuous and self-satisfied. What I’ve provided below is only an excerpt (along with my critique of it). However,… read more →
Why more singles dating online need Botox (could you be next?).

Because I write this dating blog, I read a lot of online dating profiles. Doing so helps me identify topics of interest. Over time though, I’ve begun to notice a familiar pattern that occurs on my forehead. It’s the brow furrow. It happens often. It occurs to me that, if I get it, then singles dating online – who read countless online dating profiles and often at one sitting – must be getting it too. So what’s the solution? Three… read more →
I love a good cok and 3 other good reasons to spell check your online dating profile.
I just read an article summing up research that eHarmony did in collaboration with Grammarly, an automated proofreading sevice. Apparently I’m not the only one who believes that spelling mistakes can mean disaster for online daters. Here’s a brief summary of the findings: 1) A man who makes just two spelling errors on his dating profile is 14 percent less likely to get a positive reply than a man who’s dating profile was spotless. 2) Interestingly, when it comes to… read more →
Online dating: Go for gold and beat your competition. Part 3 of 3.

Online dating may be about finding love. However, to be successful, you have to beat your competition (I know, I know…I’m such a romantic). To do so, you have to everything from making your online dating profile photos stand out to making your online dating “About Me” section better than anyone else’s. Even after that, there’s still one big hurdle to overcome – your first email. It has two objectives: it has to be read and it has to elicit… read more →
Going for gold in the competitive sport of online dating. Part 2 of 3.

Online dating is highly competitive. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women competing for attention and going after some of the same matches. So how do you get noticed? By making your entire presentation powerful from start to finish. This is the second of two blog posts to help you be the best you can be. Be sure to read the first online dating blog post too. Write a dating profile that shows off your personality (unless,… read more →
How to go for gold in the competitive sport of online dating. The first of a 3-part series.

This isn’t the most romantic approach to online dating, but the results could lead to a lifetime of bliss (and less closet space…you know it’s true). Follow the next three blog posts for real marketing tips on how to beat your online dating competition. Post an irresistible dating photo (mug shots, though impossible not to look at, don’t count). A lot goes into a great photo, but let’s cover the basics first: Men, put a shirt on (and I don’t… read more →