Online Dating and LinkedIn Profile Writing Advice
I regularly critique excerpts from random dating and LinkedIn profiles (for anonymity). By pointing out dos and don'ts from actual profiles, you too can look at your own with a critical eye and improve on your personal branding.
Online dating profiles. Can I lie about my age and still go to heaven?

Well, I’m no God but…yes, I think there’s a way to lie about your age on your online dating profile and then be absolved. It wasn’t that long ago that you’d be considered a complete boor if you asked a woman her age. Nowadays, men and women both are expected to post their private digits up on their dating profiles and for all to see. It can be as embarrassing as dropping your undies on the laundry room floor and… read more →
If life is so short why did you write a 972-word dating profile?

I just read an online dating profile that started with “life is short”. It then spent nearly 1,000 words proving this to be a false claim. As one who read every single word, time did not pass quickly. Most singles don’t ramble to that extent on their dating profiles. However, many do ramble and for too long. Here are two tips to prevent that mistake: 1) Keep the About Me to about 250 words and no more than 300. If… read more →
Online dating profiles. How to prevent casseroles from becoming asseroles.

“I love playing porker with the guys”, claimed a big, burly straight man on his dating profile. “Can you say insercure”, wrote the angry female on her dating profile. “I do a great asserole”, boasted another single dating online. We all make typos here and there. I once had a helpful “fan of trysweettalk” send me a slew of typos that he found in my blogs because he recognized the importance of a clean presentation. Are typos the end… read more →
Excuse me, my eyes are up here (and other online dating profile photo mistakes).

In the category of ridiculous online dating profile decisions on par with cell phone selfies are photos taken at a person’s computer. Not only is the quality poor, most people are looking at their screens rather than their cameras. Tip: the camera is above your screen. As such, you end up with a shot of your eyelids, which is only interesting if you’re Ru Paul. There are countless online dating photo faux pas’ but, for now, I’ll just address how… read more →

Two online dating articles have made the news recently. One was written by a female comedy writer who wrote the worst online dating profile ever then posted it on okCupid, only to find that men were still interested. The article was written in jest. Yet, news sources from ABC to Huffington Post, touted it as a social experiment that reflected poorly on men online dating. Yesterday another article made news because, presumably, it too was a revealing social experiment. This… read more →
Why incomplete sentences on dating profiles speak volumes.

Sometimes I find dating profiles that are outrageous. I usually compile them and create a blog for my “Online Dating. The Agony.” series. This time though I’m featuring an excerpt of a man’s dating profile that, however over the top it is, nevertheless has elements worth critiquing so that you can learn from it when putting together your own. From the dating profile of a 55-year old man. kind,warm,humorus,romantic,loveable,energetic,honest, for bowling,cooking,watching,good,movies,snuggling,dinner,dancing,watching,music,concerts.a hug, a kiss, have a great day , today… read more →
How to ruin your chances at online dating without saying a word.

I saw the online dating profile by a man whose words made my eye twitch. On one hand he wrote, “If I describe myself here what will we have to talk about?”. On the other hand he followed with, “let’s meet for dinner and good conversation.” Really? Does someone actually think that, by not filling out their dating profile, they can sell others on the promise of being a good conversationalist? 3 more reasons why “Want to know just ask” is… read more →
Online dating is not the problem. You are.

I read an online dating advice column today where a widow of three years wrote in to say that online dating wasn’t working for her. She explained that she’d been out on several dates with men with whom she connected with. However, they didn’t connect with her. To my surprise, the advice columnist suggested that she stop online dating because she might find better luck meeting people in person at classes or activity clubs. Huh? The widow was having success… read more →
Online dating articles that beg the question: is everyone cracked?

A few people sent me an article seen on about a journalist who posted a fake online dating profile on okCupid as a social experiment. Her objective was to see if men would message any woman no matter how awful. Supposedly the dating profile belonged to a 25-year old woman who was beautiful on the outside, but otherwise mean, spoiled, lazy, racist, manipulative and gold digging on the inside. Despite this, her dating profile garnered 150 messages within 24 hours… read more →
Online dating profile tips for men and women.
Today I’m featuring the online dating profiles of a man and a woman. Both have made a profile writing mistake that I’ve mentioned in previous posts. I’m addressing it again because I see it frequently. I’m always available for consultations, which is a cost-effective way to get real value. but, if you can’t hire me to help you write your dating profile then, hopefully by showing examples of mistakes, you can avoid making them yourself. From the dating profile of… read more →