Online dating and critical thinking.

One of my friends was concerned about online dating because she heard you could meet a lot of creeps on dating sites. I asked her if she had ever met creeps in a bar. She said she had. I asked her if she had ever met creeps at parties. She said yes. I asked her if she had ever met creeps at weddings. Guess what? She had.

The point is you can meet creeps anywhere. Online dating sites don’t have exclusive rights to them.

People think that online dating sites aren’t safe. If you’ve ever tried crossing at a pedestrian crosswalk in any major city, you’ll find that’s not safe either. Personally, when it comes to online dating, I think you have to use good judgment just as you would in any other aspect of your life. As far as safety and online dating is concerned, I think one of the most unsafe practices people do is sitting at a computer chatting to online suitors for hours at a time and not giving their eyes a much needed rest from the screen.

I’ve heard countless times that people lie on dating sites. Really? My take is that people lie offline and online. Strangers have lied to me when they’ve said I can finally get my turn on the weight machine after “ this one quick set”. Friends have lied countless times when they’ve said, “you cooked a great meal” (like the time I boiled a whole chicken.) My mother lied effortlessly when she said “your passport photo isn’t that bad, dear”. People lie outside of dating sites so there’s a good chance people will lie on dating sites. The thing to remember is that not everyone lies and few people lie all the time.

My feeling is that you need to reconsider the generalities you make about online dating while also considering the exceptions.

For more online dating advice, feel free to contact me directly. For tips on how to write a great online dating profile, check out my examples of online dating profiles. Or, go straight to the free personality quiz and have your online dating profile professionally written by me!

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