Online dating and pictures with children.

Every time I log onto an online dating site, I see a number of dating profiles that feature the person’s child(ren) or grandchild(ren). This is especially true of men’s profiles perhaps because women tend to have a more heightened sense of what’s safe and what’s not. Hence, they rarely post photos of children on a public website.

Maybe men think pictures with children will make them look like “nice”, safe guys, which is important in attracting women online.

Whatever the reasons, you should never post pictures of children on an online dating site. It’s not safe. Even if you think only women are viewing your profile, think again. Predators are everywhere.

If you want women to know that you have children or that it’s okay for your online love interest to have children, just say so.

If you’re trying to show that you’re a nice guy then show it by posing with a warm welcoming smile and follow up with a disarming dating profile.

Leave your kids and grandkids out of it though. It’s not safe and it shows poor judgment.

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