Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 15.

I admit that crazy, rage-infused conniptions fascinate me. Meatloaf’s meltdown on Celebrity Apprentice left me aflutter. Charlie Sheen, though sad, kept my attention forever. And Chris Brown? His window-breaking, shirt-ripping episode on Good Morning America made me so giddy I could have kissed him! Well, blown him a kiss…from a safe distance.Point is, lunatics are entertaining, which is why my series “Online Dating Profiles. The Agony” is getting some attention. (On that note, thank you so much for sharing my blogs. It means a lot!)

However, this week, rather than present the profile equivalent of Scream, I’m going to present the profile equivalent of “You’ve got mail” (which, by the way, is terrible grammar – it’s you “have” mail…but I digress).

Why am I taking this turn for the better? Because, sometimes, some profiles can give humanity hope and that’s important for all of us. So, this week, I present excerpts that I actually like. Note, I’m not presenting the entire profiles. Most of them, as with most of all of online dating profiles, weren’t up to “marketing” standards
and probably wouldn’t get the attention they deserve.

However, these diamonds in the rough need to be shared:

A great way to win someone’s heart:

Looking for a woman who’ll make me smile even when she’s not around.

I love how this woman provided a simple, but rich glimpse of her life.

I think I still have a little bit of a child in me. I like being in the woods on the first day of buck, or in a stream on the first day of trout.

How refreshing to find a middle-aged person who embraces aging:

I won’t tell you that I’m young at heart or more fit than most my age. I’m happy with my looks and I care about myself enough to be healthy. The fact is that I don’t want a man who’ll fight age with me. I want one who will take my hand and enjoy life without the pressures. There’s so much more to life than fighting it.

A man with a sweet way to sum up what he’s looking for:

I’m looking for a woman who smiles at me in the morning and, in that brief moment, can make my whole day.

A novel way to say “I’m romantic”:

I don’t know how to dance but I promise I’ll sweep you off your feet every chance I get.

What a touching way of describing the kind of relationship you’re looking for:

I was at the gym the other day looking around at all the people working on their bodies. All of us were busy being into our selves. Over in the corner though was a couple helping each other work out, laughing and flirting with each other the whole time. Somehow in this huge place filled with mirrors, all they saw was each other. That’s what I’m looking for.

Though I’m featuring just two excerpts, this profile was engaging from start to finish (and without one rant!):

I’m a recovering tomboy who developed a love of skirts and heels in my 30s. You’re just
as likely to find me in jeans and a baseball cap as a little sweater dress with knee-high
boots. I’ll usually want to watch the game alongside you, but I reserve the right to go to
the mall instead.

I don’t live at Disney and I don’t descend from royalty, so I don’t expect to be “treated
like a princess.” Besides, someone’s always trying to poison the princess. I don’t need
that! However, I do expect to be treated with respect.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s version of Online Dating Profiles. The Agony Part 15. Next week, I’ll go back to being deeply sardonic. In the meantime, let me reiterate that a profile with some good lines does not do the work of a profile designed to get attention and keep it. That takes marketing, which takes experience and training. To see the difference that a trained ad writer and copywriter can do to a profile, please check out the online dating samples of my work.

Better still, go straight to the personality quiz. It costs nothing to do, but will help you uncover some of your unique traits, which is the first step in writing an online dating profile that’s remarkable from start to finish.

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