Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 21.

I don’t understand the uproar over Anthony Weiner. For one, he’s a politician  – a scandal is as predictable as David Caruso’s acting.

More importantly, his name is Weiner so it’s fitting that his particular scandal involves his wiener (no that’s not a typo, that’s how it’s spelled). Besides, Weiner is a name that begs for wiener jokes not jokes about funds misappropriations or weapon selling (although cracks about missiles could be pretty funny especially in the hands, so to speak, of someone like John Stewart).

So what could be more shocking than a sex scandal involving politician named Weiner? Well, besides practically anything, what’s truly shocking are some of the online dating profiles that I come across on the various sites that I scan. They never let me down the way A. Weiner might.

In this 21th installment of the Agony Series, I share with you five yummies from this week. However, before I do, I need to remind you that they’re the exception, not the rule. Most of the profiles I come across are nowhere near as interesting as these (though, with my service, they could be and for all the right reasons).

Not the best writer, but clearly good with numbers:

i’m 2 sexy 4 this site but at the same time i’m 2 ugly 4 this site. i’m 2 nice but at the same time i’m a bi-t-c-h…But at least i’m honest.!!.Now wheres all the good lookin guys at???hummmm….must love 2 laugh.. be a kid again ;;;;n be drivin 2 getting 2 know some1 from the inside as verses the outer…Be ready 2 Sprout n grow again..!! And ITS A BEAUITIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!! Also if ur UNDER 5″11 DONT Email !!!!

Good to know that high school girls are safe.

I have come to the conclusion that this is where games are played at And all I want to know is anyone sereious?. I am not looking for a bronze beauty Not looking for a Drunk,Ash Tray,or Pill Popper,and all Players keep clicking,i don’t have time,go to the nearest highschool, I have had my share. And Just because I am a guy it dont mean i am looking to get in the sack

I see, so it’s other females who are party poopers:

so ok, after an hour of being on here….i should clarify that i’m not here to have sex with strange guys….so dont message me asking to hook up…….i’ve got my sex buddies if i need them…..thanks. If you are possessive in any way we are not gonna get along…I have lots fo guy friends cause they dont gossip, whine, play stupid competitive girl games that i will never understand…..if you’re a big gym rat meathead, whos closet is full of nothing but ed hardy and affliction t-shirts, i’m  gonna call you a tool right now….i’m all for working out but i want a guy with a neck.

I get why he’s not waking up next to a woman, but why sleep with a guitar?

Hey Princess, I’m fresh out of Tiara’s. Seems like the higher the heels, the higher the Maintenance. Sometimes I just want to “be”. If you can’t “Be”, you can’t “be” with me.  It takes more than beauty to be beautiful and your not as beautiful, when your ragging me out.  I’m tired of girls telling me “You remind me of my brother”. I’m tired of waking up next to my guitar.  Is there any body out there?

Sooooo she’s not a girly girl. Who knew!

I’m  not girly at all, i love  sports, i cuss like a sailor and drink like a fish…..and i love beer….none of that fruity girly crap. i love heavy metal, but i also love to dance……of course i hate every dance artist that’s out now days lol….so i’ll just rock out. i love to kick some ass in darts and pool. Don’t be pussies!!!  if there’s anything you want to know ask me….. but you must know i’m pretty honest and outspoken……so if i dont like you i’m gonna let you know, and it might not be too nice =)

And there you have it, five examples why Anthony Weiner may be long on some things, but short on entertainment value.

Just to reiterate – the profiles featured here are the exception. The only problem most people have is an inability to market themselves, which is why my writing and marketing expertise help. I’m trained to find out what makes you remarkable and then – using words and anecdotes that I collect from all the questions I ask you (and I ask a lot!) – I write a profile that makes you stand out and get noticed.

Check out the online dating samples of my work. Better still, go straight to the personality quiz.  It costs nothing to do, but will help you uncover some of your unique traits, which is the first step in writing an online dating profile that makes you get notice for all the right reasons.

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