All posts tagged with example
Ann Coulter has nice hair and how that can improve your online dating profile.
A little while ago, Anne Coulter not only used the word “retard”, she actually criticized the word police for creating a stir over it. When her venom became news, as it usually does, my personal Facebook page filled with long threads of contempt her. At one point, I wrote, “She has nice hair”. I was being facetious, of course. I couldn’t care less about her hair. In truth, I think she’s sociopathic, white collar trash who uses her significant intelligence… read more →
Dating profiles and silent nights.
I once went on a blind date with a man who I was told would be perfect for me. According to friends, he was handsome, intelligent and sociable. We even shared several interests from advertising to art. I met said handsome, intelligent, sociable and perfect man in a bar. We greeted each other with big smiles then made small talk that never, and I mean, never went anywhere. We spent most of the night grappling for conversation. In truth, he… read more →