All posts tagged with how to be successful at online dating.
Online dating and fireworks.

It’s the fourth of July weekend when my mind turns to fireworks. Then it turns ever so slightly more and leads me straight to thoughts of online dating, specifically online dating profiles. Do you know how many profiles have variations of “we’ll know when we meet”? I was online for no more than five minutes and found 16. All were followed by the 1) naive 2) lazy 3) imposing assertion that this eliminates any need for emails and, in some cases, complete… read more →
Online Dating. Is nice that bad?

I’ve had a few conversations lately about nice guys. One was prompted by an article on the Good Men Project (a site that I really like). Another took place following a client’s recent breakup. Another one occurred the other day when a friend asked, “do you ever feel you give way more than you get?” I’m conflicted about the word “nice”. In the dictionary, it’s defined in a positive way. In the thesaurus it’s associated to admirable words. Yet, in… read more →
Online dating and why “favorites” can make you unpopular.

Here’s the thing about being added to someone’s favorite list: you’re not really a favorite. You’re one of that person’s favorites and that’s significantly less flattering. This is especially galling when the person adds you as a favorite and then doesn’t get back to you for a while. When this happens, it gives the impression that he or she will “get to you” once they’ve contacted their other, more favorite, favorites. Can you see how labeling someone a favorite could… read more →
Online dating profiles and the appeal of nose pickers.

A former client of mine wrote to me the other day to say that she saw an online dating photo of a guy picking his nose. She wondered if I had an opinion about this and, of course, I do. First, you don’t tend to see this kind of nonsense on paid dating sites. Generally, when single men or women invest their money, they also invest of themselves. Though I think sites like okCupid are fun, and people have found… read more →
3 online dating profile mistakes women make and how to fix them.

When I was online dating I saw a lot of online dating profile mistakes that men make. Now that I write profiles for others though, I find myself regularly reading the dating profiles of women. As such, I catch a number of mistakes that my beloved gender makes. Here are the top three and how to correct them. 1) Shots of you and all your friends. Many women post too many photos of themselves surrounded by their girlfriends. There are… read more →
The two most important words in online dating.

I read a blog the other day by a woman lamenting the fact that a man she’d been writing to on JDate had suddenly stopped writing. She couldn’t understand it. Worse still, she had heard about this happening to others too. “Why, oh why, do guys do that?”, she asked. Meanwhile I had a friend complain that he had sent a woman an email and that she never even bothered to open it. He couldn’t figure out why she’d ignored… read more →