All posts tagged with how to write a dating profile
Does your online dating profile open with a…yawn?

“Just checking out this online dating thing to see if I could meet a man who is cool and decent and see where fate may take us.” That was the first sentence on an online dating profile that I found on POF today. It brings up two important points: 1. Avoid being redundant If you’ve posted an online dating profile on an online dating site then you don’t need to say that you’re checking out this online dating thing. It’s redundant… read more →
Men’s Dating Profiles. Writing Tips for Nov. 21, 2013.

Today I’m featuring an excerpt from a dating profile that I found on POF.It’s typical of a lot of men’s dating profiles so I’m hoping that the critique will resonate with you. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 52-year old man. Just checking this out. I like to sing ballads and any other kind of music that inspires me. I also like to go to the gym. I love great food and lots of it…. I live to laugh… read more →
Writing your dating profile. Tips for Nov. 20, 2013.

Today I scanned online dating profiles on JDate. I chose to critique an excerpt from one particular dating profile because it’s a pretty typical example of all of them. In other words, it lacks distinction. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 34-year old woman. I’m a down-to-earth girl who loves the simple things like seeing a good movie whether that’s on the big screen or curled up at home. I’m pretty easy. I’m not the kind of woman who… read more →
Online dating profiles. A How-To for Nov. 19, 2013.

Today I scanned a number of dating profiles on I found one that floored me in its inappropriateness. Usually I post excerpts from online dating profiles that have common enough mistakes so that anyone can relate. Today’s excerpt, however, is atypical. So why post it? Because it addresses an inappropriateness that has less to do with the words and more to do with the site on which they’ve been posted.In other words, in some environments this dating profile would… read more →
Writing your dating profile. A critique for Nov. 18, 2013.

I scanned okCupid today and found a dating profile that made a lot of mistakes in terms of marketing. In addition, though the profile says that he’s 43, the settings say that he’s actually 49. Yet, despite this age discrepancy, he mentions “honesty” as one of his traits. Geech. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 40-something male. I am 43 years old. I’m a big runner and belong to just about every running group in town. I train to… read more →
Writing Your Dating Profile, Tips for Nov. 14, 2013.

Today I scanned some dating profiles on Zoosk. I found one that I couldn’t pass up the chance of critiquing. Though an excerpt, it nonetheless represents the essence of this man’s dating profile. When you read it, you’ll see for yourself that it’s poorly crafted. Yet, I’ve seen countless variances of this kind of approach. The mistakes are surprisingly common. Excerpt from the profile of a man in his mid-30s: I have met a lot of great ladies on this… read more →
Online Dating Profile Tips For Nov. 13, 2013.

Today I critique the excerpt of a dating profile that I found on okCupid. Though I read some outrageous ones on that site (what is it about free dating sites!), I’ve chosen one for the simple fact that it’s actually not notable at all: Excerpt from the dating profile of a 43-year old man: Hi. I am a self-employed consultant working in IT. I love what I do. I’m here to meet a new friend and socialize. Maybe you’re an… read more →
Writing Your Online Dating Profile. Tips for Nov.12, 2013.

The biggest mistake singles make when writing their online dating profiles is being “average”. There are very few dating profiles out there that actually engage a reader and keep them motivated to read from start to finish. Today, rather than critique an excerpt from one dating profile, I’m going to post the openers of five separate dating profiles. These dating profiles are being selected because they’re representative of this most common mistake. Hopefully by reading them one after the other,… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips for Nov.11, 2013
Today I went onto and looked at random profiles. I came upon one that I thought was representative of the kind of mistakes women make when writing their online dating profiles. Here’s an excerpt from that dating profile followed by my critique. By featuring these excerpts my goal is to help you avoid some of the mistakes singles make when writing their online dating profile. Excerpt from the profile of a 28 year old woman: Hi, thanks for reading my profile.… read more →
Is fat the new “fag”?

A few years ago I was having a discussion about producers with a tall, slim colleague of mine. Unexpectedly, she confided that one producer we worked with was someone she found to be especially annoying because, in her words, “he’s so fat”. I was stunned by this admission and questioned her about it. Apparently she was angry that he didn’t watch his weight. Angrier still because she felt that all it took was will power. This was from a woman… read more →