All posts tagged with mistakes women make online dating
3 big online dating profile mistakes women make (and how to fix them).

When I was online dating I saw a lot of online dating profile mistakes that men make. Now that I write profiles for others though, I find myself regularly reading the dating profiles of both men and women.As such, I catch a number of mistakes that my beloved gender makes. Here are the top three and how to correct them. 1) Shots of you and all your friends. Many women post too many photos of themselves surrounded by their girlfriends.… read more →
Sexist online dating advice that women need to read.

Right now, at this very moment, somewhere across North America some female is valiantly defending our gender against the damning stereotype that women are nags. Meanwhile, across countless dating sites, thousands of single women are proving her wrong. In my estimation, women dating online go on rants more often than do men. They also waste much of their dating profile listing the demands that suitors require before being deemed worthy. Worse still, these women do so with the caveat that… read more →
Why more singles dating online need Botox (could you be next?).

Because I write this dating blog, I read a lot of online dating profiles. Doing so helps me identify topics of interest. Over time though, I’ve begun to notice a familiar pattern that occurs on my forehead. It’s the brow furrow. It happens often. It occurs to me that, if I get it, then singles dating online – who read countless online dating profiles and often at one sitting – must be getting it too. So what’s the solution? Three… read more →