All posts tagged with online dating advice
Online Dating Profiles & “the time is now” (which it isn’t).

As one who’s been in advertising for 20 years (check out my bio), I’ve worked with a lot of clients. Some understood marketing. Others, inexplicably, thought they did. For instance, I had a client who believed that his headline, “are you a man or a clown”, would be a great way to advertise age-defying moisturizer that had nothing to do with clowns (or men, for that matter). I also had a client insist that the words “as easy as magic”… read more →
Online dating experts. Says who?

The other day I discovered an online dating advice column for women written by a man. His credentials? He’s a guy who’s online dated. I also discovered a woman who wrote an online dating advice book for men. Her credentials? That she’s a woman who’s online dated. I found several online dating coaches too. Their credentials? That they’ve online dated, of course! Some even touted the fact that they had found their soul mates, thus implying that this success made them… read more →
Online dating profiles and catfish tales.
The number one tip to avoid catfishing? Read on, you’ll be hooked. I was on two talk shows recently and both addressed online dating and catfishing (here’s an edited version with solid dating safety advice). For those unfamiliar with the term, a catfish is someone who posts a fake online dating profile and fools interested parties hook, line and sinker (oh come on, someone had to say it). It’s been the subject of a movie and an MTV show. In addition,… read more →
Woody Allen, dads and ads.
I write ads. I write online dating profiles and LinkedIn profiles using marketing techniques. I also write this odd little blog about men, women and advertising. Today’s the day when “World’s Greatest Dad” T-shirts actually make a sale or two. On that note, who could be greater dad than Woody Allen. After all, he loves his children so much, he married one. Thankfully, countless other fathers make positive contributions. This week’s blog begins with one of the loveliest. Dads and… read more →
Online dating. The “Why Can’t We All Get Along” Edition.
I’m an award-winning ad writer. I’m an online dating profile writer (trained to get you noticed). I also write the only dating blog about men, women and ads. In recent news, North Carolina outlawed same sex marriage. Obama supported it. Limbaugh chimed in too, of course – probably while sucking on a cigar, the biggest phallic symbol ever. Personally, I find it ironic that a civil rights violation can be upheld by law, while an act of love is outlawed… read more →
The online dating blog about mothers and other mothers.
Anyone new to this dating blog, here’s the scoop: I’m an ad writer. I also write online dating profiles using ad techniques so that singles can compete online. I also write this odd little dating blog that combines news about men, women and (of course) advertising. Enjoy! It’s Mother’s Day. Congratulations to all the women – and Thomas Beatie – who are celebrating motherhood at this time. Also, a special mention to the biggest mother of them all: Rush Limbaugh.… read more →
Breaking up with the Kardashians.
As a seasoned marketing expert, I take ad and profile writing seriously. However, I write blogs about men, women and marketing purely for fun. Single or not, feel free to enjoy them! I read the other day that the Kardashians have signed on for another 3 years with the E! Network. This news had a grievous impact on me. However, I decided to turn that into positive inspiration for this blog. Thank you to my Kardashian family of muses. When to… read more →
Cry me a Rivera and other dating woes.
As a copywriter and online dating profile writer, I write a dating blog that helps single men and women attract their soulmate. Actually, that’s not true. “Dating, single men, single women and soulmate” are key words that help me with Google rankings, which matters when marketing an online dating profile writing service like mine (see, there I go with key words again). In fact, this blog is for men and women, married or not. After all, everyone can use good… read more →
Unexpected Dating Advice
The only dating blog about men, women and marketing. I read a lot of relationship articles giving advice to both men and women. Much of it as about as deep as Dr. Drew’s contribution to celebrity rehab. Still, it’s fun. So here’s your chance to “listen in” to what the other side is being told! Relationship and dating advice for men According to an article in Men’s Health Magazine, the older women get, the more frisky they become. So men,… read more →
10 Online dating safety tips every woman needs to know.
The following online dating safety guidelines are the result of conversations with members of my local police force. In addition, the guidelines were sent to another police officer to ensure that they’re accurate and responsible. Still, these are general guidelines and their focus is primarily on the process leading up to a meeting. Hence, these are not profile writing safety tips (such as – don’t divulge personal information that can be traced to you and jeopardize your privacy and security).… read more →