All posts tagged with online dating profile help
She asked, “is it me or are men pigs?”. The answer is perfect.
Here’s what to do when guys online dating just want in a roll in the hay. The other day I was chatting with a single woman who had abruptly pulled her online dating profile off okCupid. She’s vowed never again to go online dating. In her experience, the men were rude and inappropriate. Most had sent sexually explicit messages. Others, while less indecent, still made clear that all they wanted was sex. Frustrated, she blurted, “Is it me or are men online dating just total… read more →
The guilty online dating profile writer is here.
Usually, you can come here and get a lot of good advice on online dating (and even better advice on writing your online dating profile). However, I’ve been swamped. Besides writing dating profiles, I’m busy trying to develop a confidence-building personal branding course for men. A version for women will follow. Once things settled down a bit, I’ll be right back to blogging. My apologies. In the meantime, please feel free to look through the archives for solid tips on how… read more →
What Tyrion can teach us about personal branding and online dating.

Tyrion Lannister stands under four and half feet tall. He also has short arms and a big head. Yet, despite his physical shortcomings, he’s one of the most compelling and beloved characters in Game of Thrones. Rather than apologize for what he lacks, he constantly amplifies his sizable qualities. He’s a man of courage and principle. He’s also strikingly intelligent and sardonic. His incisive remarks are enough to bring adversaries to their knees (or his!). He’s a critical, independent thinker… read more →
If life is so short why did you write a 972-word dating profile?

I just read an online dating profile that started with “life is short”. It then spent nearly 1,000 words proving this to be a false claim. As one who read every single word, time did not pass quickly. Most singles don’t ramble to that extent on their dating profiles. However, many do ramble and for too long. Here are two tips to prevent that mistake: 1) Keep the About Me to about 250 words and no more than 300. If… read more →
Excuse me, my eyes are up here (and other online dating profile photo mistakes).

In the category of ridiculous online dating profile decisions on par with cell phone selfies are photos taken at a person’s computer. Not only is the quality poor, most people are looking at their screens rather than their cameras. Tip: the camera is above your screen. As such, you end up with a shot of your eyelids, which is only interesting if you’re Ru Paul. There are countless online dating photo faux pas’ but, for now, I’ll just address how… read more →
Online dating articles that beg the question: is everyone cracked?

A few people sent me an article seen on about a journalist who posted a fake online dating profile on okCupid as a social experiment. Her objective was to see if men would message any woman no matter how awful. Supposedly the dating profile belonged to a 25-year old woman who was beautiful on the outside, but otherwise mean, spoiled, lazy, racist, manipulative and gold digging on the inside. Despite this, her dating profile garnered 150 messages within 24 hours… read more →
Online dating profiles that work.

I was scanning online dating profiles on Plenty of Fish and actually found one that I don’t mind. It’s not interesting enough, but it has an approach that I think is commendable. What I’ve done is taken an excerpt and followed it with my critique so that you can understand what’s working and perhaps try to emulate it yourself. From the dating profile of a 33-year old man. Down to earth, not materialistic, I enjoy everyday of like it was… read more →
Today’s tip for writing your online dating profile. Dec.5, 2013.
I like to post the excerpt of a random dating profile and then critique it. I choose profiles that have fairly common mistakes to prevent you from making them too. I found today’s excerpt on okCupid. I’ve noticed that profiles on free sites tend to be less savvy than those on paid sites. Yet, free or not, you’re online and you’re goal is to be attractive. So, while a free site might not cost you, a bad profile can cost… read more →