All posts tagged with online dating profile mistakes
Her dating profile was so sweet, then this happened.

See what I did with my headline? I gave it a sensational quality, but for no reason. It’s called bait and switch. It’s a form of advertising writing that uses deception to attract people to a product or service. It fools them into thinking they’ll be clicking for one reason, but when they do – it’s not what they expected. It’s an old trick and I just I fell for it myself. I was scrolling through online dating profiles that I could review for… read more →
Dating profiles and duckface.

Ben Stiller’s duckface in Zoolander was hilarious because, well, it was meant to be. It was a comedy. Since then many people, my misguided gender in particular, have adopted the look with equally entertaining results: Miley, Kim and Snooki, to name a few. Oh and that astronomically big boobed woman married to Ice T. Duckface is no sexier than a waddle. And yet… Take one look at Plenty of Fish and suddenly you’ll find yourself greeted by a sea of… read more →
3 big online dating profile mistakes women make (and how to fix them).

When I was online dating I saw a lot of online dating profile mistakes that men make. Now that I write profiles for others though, I find myself regularly reading the dating profiles of both men and women.As such, I catch a number of mistakes that my beloved gender makes. Here are the top three and how to correct them. 1) Shots of you and all your friends. Many women post too many photos of themselves surrounded by their girlfriends.… read more →
Sexist online dating advice that women need to read.

Right now, at this very moment, somewhere across North America some female is valiantly defending our gender against the damning stereotype that women are nags. Meanwhile, across countless dating sites, thousands of single women are proving her wrong. In my estimation, women dating online go on rants more often than do men. They also waste much of their dating profile listing the demands that suitors require before being deemed worthy. Worse still, these women do so with the caveat that… read more →
Why more singles dating online need Botox (could you be next?).

Because I write this dating blog, I read a lot of online dating profiles. Doing so helps me identify topics of interest. Over time though, I’ve begun to notice a familiar pattern that occurs on my forehead. It’s the brow furrow. It happens often. It occurs to me that, if I get it, then singles dating online – who read countless online dating profiles and often at one sitting – must be getting it too. So what’s the solution? Three… read more →
How to ruin your chances at online dating without saying a word.

I saw the online dating profile by a man whose words made my eye twitch. On one hand he wrote, “If I describe myself here what will we have to talk about?”. On the other hand he followed with, “let’s meet for dinner and good conversation.” Really? Does someone actually think that, by not filling out their dating profile, they can sell others on the promise of being a good conversationalist? 3 more reasons why “Want to know just ask” is… read more →
Online Dating. Tips For Writing Your Profile Dec. 7, 2013.

Usually I post excerpts from random dating profiles followed by a critique. I do this so that I can call attention to common online dating mistakes and, in doing so, prevent other singles from making the same ones. Today though, I’m going to skip the excerpt and go straight to the critique. I noticed something today that I see far too often – online dating photos that carry captions like “I no longer have a beard” or “I’ve since dyed… read more →
Online dating profile writing tips for Dec.2, 2013
I regularly post excerpts from online dating profiles and then critique them. I find the dating profiles by scanning sites and then picking one profile that has a relatively common mistake. By doing so, my goal is to find an example that you can relate to so that, in turn, you avoid the mistake yourself. From the profile of a 51-year old man. Hi. I’m a pretty honest guy and I look ‘alright’ (but that’s for you to decide). I… read more →
Writing your dating profile. Tips for Nov.26, 2014
Today I’m featuring an excerpt from an online dating profile that I found on The reason why I chose it is because it has one big profile writing mistake that I’ve seen on the dating profiles of countless men and women. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 48-year old woman: Coming out of an 18-year marriage and ready to move forward and live life to its fullest and more. I love to laugh and I treasure a friend… read more →
Online dating profiles. Today’s critique. Nov. 25, 2014.

Today I scanned dating profiles on okCupid looking for those that had common profile writing mistakes. Here’s an excerpt from one of them, followed by my critique. By posting typical online dating profile mistakes, rather than outrageous ones (ohhhh there are many of those!), my hope is that I can keep you from making them yourself. From the dating profile of a 33-year old man: I have been told that I am a very patient person and that I’m fun… read more →