All posts tagged with online dating profile mistakes
Online dating profiles: tips from Taylor Swift’s head.

A lot of people make fun of Taylor Swift. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey implied she was boy-hungry at the 2013 Golden Globes. Conversely, Chelsea Handler poked (so to speak) fun at her presumed virginity. Personally, if I were a 23-year old woman making $57 million a year, these meanies could screw themselves. That said, the other day I saw a video of Swift headbanging while wearing a lavender swing dress. I admit, it was mesmerizing, but I was still appalled.… read more →
Online dating and fear of failure.
When I was in high school, I considered countless activities to be more compelling than attending class. Helping Faye Cotton pluck her unibrow was endlessly fascinating. Imitating my French teacher’s pout until my best friend urinated was highly entertaining. Another distraction was sitting in the cafeteria crushing oreos cookies, adding them to milk, then drinking it all down through a strawberry Twizzler (ingeneously transformed into a straw). In my defense, I was a teenager. I’ve intellectually evolved since then. My… read more →