All posts tagged with online dating profile tips for women
3 big online dating profile mistakes women make (and how to fix them).

When I was online dating I saw a lot of online dating profile mistakes that men make. Now that I write profiles for others though, I find myself regularly reading the dating profiles of both men and women.As such, I catch a number of mistakes that my beloved gender makes. Here are the top three and how to correct them. 1) Shots of you and all your friends. Many women post too many photos of themselves surrounded by their girlfriends.… read more →
Online dating profiles: tips from Taylor Swift’s head.

A lot of people make fun of Taylor Swift. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey implied she was boy-hungry at the 2013 Golden Globes. Conversely, Chelsea Handler poked (so to speak) fun at her presumed virginity. Personally, if I were a 23-year old woman making $57 million a year, these meanies could screw themselves. That said, the other day I saw a video of Swift headbanging while wearing a lavender swing dress. I admit, it was mesmerizing, but I was still appalled.… read more →
How Angie’s leg made it into in a dating blog.
I write ads. I write online dating profiles. I also write the only blog about men, women and marketing. The biggest news at this year’s Academy Awards was not that a black and white film won Best Picture for the first time in nearly 80 years. Nor was it that Octavia Spencer received a tear-inducing standing ovation, or that 82-year old Christopher Plummer was finally recognized. None of those made the news quite in the same way that Angelina’s leg… read more →
Online dating and a blog about blues, Obama and the Great Depression
I write ads. I write dating profiles. I also write the only dating blog about men, women and ads. Blues has been a theme of late. First, I’ve noticed people with a seasonal soupcon of February blues. Second, we’ve been serenaded by blues of presidential proportions thanks to Obama himself (can he be more dreamy, sigh). As such, this week’s dating blog is all about smiles turned upside down. Enjoy it, if you can. 10 Chick flicks that make men… read more →
Online dating blog. Pants on fire edition.
I write ads. I write dating profiles. I then bring their related topics together in this one surprisingly cohesive blog. To do so, I read a lot of articles and then share the news. I’m like Dan Rather but in that “not quite Dan Rather’s idea of news” kind of way. It’s delicate. Basically this is the only blog about single men, single women and advertising. A recent article in Huffington Post reported that Rick Santorum (pictured here in a… read more →
Booty calls, vampires and online dating.
The only dating blog about men, women and advertising. I’ve heard of leg men, breast men and men who love booty. I’ve heard of women who’ll swoon over 6-pack abs and rock solid buns. Now, though, I’ve think I’ve heard it all. Apparently, there’s a new way to evaluate a potential lover and it’s by looking at their cell. Some things go well together. Mystery books and rainy days. Politicians and sex scandals. Wine and 7 UP (don’t judge me!).… read more →
Dating advice from a copywriter, a screenwriter and other unlikely sources.
Welcome to the only dating blog about men, women and marketing. As an ad writer and marketing expert who’s transferred her significant talents (my blog, my spin) to writing online dating profiles, I’m always collecting interesting relationship advice and ads. I know, I know… “ads”, right? How do profile writing and advertising end up in one dating blog? Advertising is all about relationships. Its job is to create relationships between consumers and products. The ad techniques that go into great advertising… read more →
Online dating for sports lovers.
In case you notice that this is not my typical blogging style, it’s because it’s a paid-for blog. That said, it’s been written by a friend of mine who runs an honest business. In addition, I’ve personally checked out the sites mentioned. If you’re sport crazy, or even a gym fanatic then why not consider fitness dating? Singles who love sport can meet other sport-minded men and woman on sport dating sites. There are so many sport dating sites to… read more →
A word about SOPA, undies and ads.
The only dating blog about men, women and marketing (of course!). For now, there’s information to share. As such, today I’ll share both the advice to men and the advice to women that I’ve uncovered – specifically underwear news (note how cleverly I used, “uncovered”). Given that my profile writing service (dating profiles, LinkedIn bios) is a resounding success thanks to my years in advertising (longest plug ever), I’ll also show examples of great ads. Advice to men … read more →
Online dating and Shannon Tweed.
This is worth reposting – I was watching Chelsea Handler a while ago. She was interviewing Gene Simmons. Truth be told, it wasn’t actually an interview. It was a verbal castration. Because of his countless infidelities, she went for his jewels with the ferocity and grip of a pit bull. I loved it! I loathe Gene Simmons. I loathe his tongue, his unnaturally taut, self-satisfied mug, his disposable use of women, his celebrity, his TV show (and his fans who’ve… read more →