All posts tagged with online dating profile writer
Online Dating Profiles. Naughty and Nice Edition.

Merry Christmas! Today I bring you two online dating profile tips inspired by the holidays. The first is a valuable tip on posting your online dating profile photo. The other addresses writing your online dating profile. Don’t post online dating photos of you being naughty. Wear clothes, not bath towels. If you must wear bath towels, wear clothes beneath them. That you’ve just come out of the shower does not make this any less inappropriate. Photos of you drunk and… read more →
Online Dating Profiles and Politics.
Usually when I scan online dating sites, I find dating profiles that are pretty average and uneventful. This, by the way, is precisely why you should consider hiring me to help you craft your dating profile or, at least, to provide you with a consultation. Nevertheless, as I scan these everyday profiles, sometimes someone writes something that completely sideswipes me. Today I’m featuring an excerpt from one of those profiles followed by my fairly predictable critique. For those of you who… read more →
How to write a dating profile. Tips for Dec. 16, 2013.

I found an online dating profile today on okCupid. I’ve selected it because it has an opener that has been poorly thought out and needs to be addressed. By featuring excerpts as I do and then offering suggestions on how they could be improved, I hope to make it easier for you to see mistakes that you too might be making when writing your online dating profile. From the profile of a 32-year old woman. I work a lot. So… read more →
Online dating profile writing. Thanksgiving edition.

Why I’m grateful to be an online dating profile writer. I regularly scan dating sites reading dating profile after online dating profile. Partly it’s to find ideas for tweets and blogs. It’s also because I miss the drama and mayhem of Game of Thrones. Until its return, this fills the gap nicely. Today being Thanksgiving, I decided to write a blog about all the reasons I’m grateful for my job whether I’m spending the day scanning random dating profiles of singles… read more →
Is Your Online Dating Profile Pushing or Pulling?

The other day a friend of mine posted the stunningly effective ad campaign above on her Facebook page. Not surprisingly, it received likes. One person, however, weighed in by holding the victims accountable. Essentially, her theory was that young girls should avoid being sold to traffickers. The simplistic reasoning should have made me realize that she was just one of those people who likes to be provocative. It occurred to me then that I’ve seen this tactic on dating profiles too.… read more →
Online Dating Profiles. Oh The Agony, Part 27.

I remember the first time I saw a brow furrow. It was my Mom’s. It happened when she watched me place a bowl of ice cream into the microwave. It happened again when I explained that heating the ice cream brought out the taste. I’ve learned a lot about brow furrows since that day.Mainly I’ve discovered that, however adept I am at causing them on others, nothing beats reading online dating profiles when it comes to causing them on me.… read more →
Woody Allen, dads and ads.
I write ads. I write online dating profiles and LinkedIn profiles using marketing techniques. I also write this odd little blog about men, women and advertising. Today’s the day when “World’s Greatest Dad” T-shirts actually make a sale or two. On that note, who could be greater dad than Woody Allen. After all, he loves his children so much, he married one. Thankfully, countless other fathers make positive contributions. This week’s blog begins with one of the loveliest. Dads and… read more →
Online dating. The “Why Can’t We All Get Along” Edition.
I’m an award-winning ad writer. I’m an online dating profile writer (trained to get you noticed). I also write the only dating blog about men, women and ads. In recent news, North Carolina outlawed same sex marriage. Obama supported it. Limbaugh chimed in too, of course – probably while sucking on a cigar, the biggest phallic symbol ever. Personally, I find it ironic that a civil rights violation can be upheld by law, while an act of love is outlawed… read more →
Breaking up with the Kardashians.
As a seasoned marketing expert, I take ad and profile writing seriously. However, I write blogs about men, women and marketing purely for fun. Single or not, feel free to enjoy them! I read the other day that the Kardashians have signed on for another 3 years with the E! Network. This news had a grievous impact on me. However, I decided to turn that into positive inspiration for this blog. Thank you to my Kardashian family of muses. When to… read more →
Cry me a Rivera and other dating woes.
As a copywriter and online dating profile writer, I write a dating blog that helps single men and women attract their soulmate. Actually, that’s not true. “Dating, single men, single women and soulmate” are key words that help me with Google rankings, which matters when marketing an online dating profile writing service like mine (see, there I go with key words again). In fact, this blog is for men and women, married or not. After all, everyone can use good… read more →