All posts tagged with online dating profile writing
Her dating profile was so sweet, then this happened.

See what I did with my headline? I gave it a sensational quality, but for no reason. It’s called bait and switch. It’s a form of advertising writing that uses deception to attract people to a product or service. It fools them into thinking they’ll be clicking for one reason, but when they do – it’s not what they expected. It’s an old trick and I just I fell for it myself. I was scrolling through online dating profiles that I could review for… read more →
Meet the hiking boot that takes online dating to new heights.

I was putting together my monthly newsletter. It includes a section on how certain techniques used to write billboards can help us when marketing our own selves. In doing the research for that section, I came across this billboard and I just loved it! It’s so simple, catchy and memorable. It’s also a very good example of how you can take something commonplace, like a hiking boot, and make it stand out. Better yet, that otherwise boring shoelace becomes magical… read more →
Online dating profile tips for men from a female ad writer.

Men are impressive. They’re masterful at avoiding life-threatening questions like, “does this make me look fat”. They know how to nod convincingly when a situation requires a sincere looking, “you’re right”. They even know how to play air guitar. They are, however, less adept at writing their online dating profiles. I suspect there are a couple of reasons for this. For one, a lot of men aren’t comfortable talking about themselves. For another, they don’t always know how to straddle the fine line between… read more →
Online dating: Go for gold and beat your competition. Part 3 of 3.

Online dating may be about finding love. However, to be successful, you have to beat your competition (I know, I know…I’m such a romantic). To do so, you have to everything from making your online dating profile photos stand out to making your online dating “About Me” section better than anyone else’s. Even after that, there’s still one big hurdle to overcome – your first email. It has two objectives: it has to be read and it has to elicit… read more →
Going for gold in the competitive sport of online dating. Part 2 of 3.

Online dating is highly competitive. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women competing for attention and going after some of the same matches. So how do you get noticed? By making your entire presentation powerful from start to finish. This is the second of two blog posts to help you be the best you can be. Be sure to read the first online dating blog post too. Write a dating profile that shows off your personality (unless,… read more →
The biggest online dating lie (and how to avoid it).

I once had a client who went on a date with a man she met online. By the date’s end, she realized he wasn’t quite her style. Still, he phoned a few times afterward and sent her some text messages to see when they’d get together again. This annoyed her. “I thought I was clear that I wasn’t interested”, she said. “What do you mean by clear?” I asked. “Our values were obviously different”, she replied. Note that she used the… read more →
Online dating profiles. Can I lie about my age and still go to heaven?

Well, I’m no God but…yes, I think there’s a way to lie about your age on your online dating profile and then be absolved. It wasn’t that long ago that you’d be considered a complete boor if you asked a woman her age. Nowadays, men and women both are expected to post their private digits up on their dating profiles and for all to see. It can be as embarrassing as dropping your undies on the laundry room floor and… read more →

Two online dating articles have made the news recently. One was written by a female comedy writer who wrote the worst online dating profile ever then posted it on okCupid, only to find that men were still interested. The article was written in jest. Yet, news sources from ABC to Huffington Post, touted it as a social experiment that reflected poorly on men online dating. Yesterday another article made news because, presumably, it too was a revealing social experiment. This… read more →
Online dating articles that beg the question: is everyone cracked?

A few people sent me an article seen on about a journalist who posted a fake online dating profile on okCupid as a social experiment. Her objective was to see if men would message any woman no matter how awful. Supposedly the dating profile belonged to a 25-year old woman who was beautiful on the outside, but otherwise mean, spoiled, lazy, racist, manipulative and gold digging on the inside. Despite this, her dating profile garnered 150 messages within 24 hours… read more →
Online dating profile writing. Thanksgiving edition.

Why I’m grateful to be an online dating profile writer. I regularly scan dating sites reading dating profile after online dating profile. Partly it’s to find ideas for tweets and blogs. It’s also because I miss the drama and mayhem of Game of Thrones. Until its return, this fills the gap nicely. Today being Thanksgiving, I decided to write a blog about all the reasons I’m grateful for my job whether I’m spending the day scanning random dating profiles of singles… read more →