All posts tagged with online dating profile writing

A common sense law of attraction: “live, love and laugh” on your dating profile won’t land you a date.

I browse online dating sites on a daily basis. I scan larger ones like Match and Perfect Match. I also scan the smaller niche sites like Brainiac and Jdate. I’m an equal opportunity scanner. Yet, no matter how many different types of singles each site might attract, and no matter where I look, I always find the preachers. Read online dating profiles and I’m sure you’ve seen them too. Here are some of their headlines: Live, love and learn. It’s… read more

Weight loss, blue pills, and too much information on dating profiles.

I once accepted a Facebook friend request from someone I worked with periodically. My news feeds thereafter were never the same. This woman would post countless statuses with such gems as: “After a session like that, I wish I smoked. Wink, wink. Oh wait a minute. I was smoking.” I hate puns and I really didn’t need to know that she had just had hot sex. Like certain Facebook statuses and wall comments, online dating profiles can share way too… read more

Online dating profiles: 800 pounds is not athletic.

I know that we can all kid ourselves. I heard a friend say that he was not really driving fast; it was just that his new car felt lighter. To this day, I have no idea what that means. I have another friend who said that she didn’t get lost on the way to someone’s home. She just didn’t end up where she was supposed to end up. I even had a boyfriend say that the spare tire around his… read more

Being David Hasselhof. One of many things more embarrassing than online dating.

There are plenty of things for people to be embarrassed about. I’m sure the Carpenters would re-think their cover of “Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft” if they could. Learning how to dive into a pool as an adult could be pretty embarrassing too (though hilarious for onlookers). Making a living as a mascot wouldn’t be something you’d beat your chest about either unless, of course, say it with me…you’re dressed as a gorilla. Lastly, being David Hasselhoff would be pretty… read more

Is your online dating profile too good for words?

Have you ever walked into a bar and suddenly members of the opposite sex threw themselves at you – without you even saying a word? Do people see you and automatically assume you’re a babe magnet? Do you find that you get by on your looks alone? If you’ve said no to one of these questions, chances are you’ve said no to all of them. So, when you join an online dating site and do nothing but post a profile… read more

Dear Men: A woman is not a cougar if she’s your age, and other online dating wisdoms.

A friend of mine said that his neighbor’s ex-wife is on the same online dating site that he’s on, and that she sent him a smile. “She’s an older woman”, he said excitedly, “A real cougar”. When I probed further, I learned that she was his age. This same man once said that he keeps meeting women with a lot of wrinkles. Again I probed further only to discover that these wrinkled ladies were his age or, at best, just… read more

Why some online dating profiles are like cosmetic surgery.

Some online dating profiles are like breasts implants. They look good. They keep your attention. Yet, upon closer inspection, there’s nothing in them that’s real. The big difference is that most people won’t reject you over plastic surgery (unless you’re that horrifying cat lady, Jocelyn Wildenstein, or Carrot Top, or Mickie Rourke.) Point is, while an embellished profile might initially arouse the interest of potential suitors, in the end the ruse will fall flat. No one likes liars. That’s a… read more

Samples of great online dating profiles.

If you ever have trouble falling asleep, scan the dating profiles on any dating site from to PerfectMatch. They’re a natural sedative. Everyone likes the same things and sounds the same. But, you can be different. You can hire a professional ad writer to write your online dating profile (me!) or you can read the following excerpts and see how average online dating profiles were transformed into great ones. DATING PROFILE SAMPLE 1 I had a client who loved… read more

Does a good online dating profile even matter?

Unless you have an outstanding face and body, your looks are probably about as good or as bad as millions of other people who are dating online. As such, your dating profile – not your photo – is the only real chance you have to compete. Yet, a lot of singles don’t spend time writing a great profile. Often it’s because they get into online dating half-heartedly and not expecting much. As such, they don’t put much into it. The… read more

Here it is, the most popular online dating profile ever!

Bet you didn’t know that “Happy Birthday to you” has a copyright value of $5 million US. Given that statistic, I have to figure there’s a really rich, really happy eccentric out there who’s collecting millions from the following profile. It’s high in popularity but low in distinctiveness:   Looking for my soulmate, are you out there? (That headline alone must be worth millions in royalties and is second only to “life is short”). I luv life (as opposed to… read more