All posts tagged with online dating profile writing
Online dating profiles.The critique for Wed. Nov. 6, 2013
Usually I take excerpts from dating profiles and critique certain sections. That way, I maintain the person’s anonimity. Today, however, I took the whole profile and changed two adjectives. Why? Because the profile was only one activity and two adjectives long. Here goes: Excerpt from the dating profile of a 42-year old man: I like to golf and I’m friendly and easy going. My critique As you can probably guess, my first critique is that this profile is not even… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips. Monday November 4, 2013.
I used to take excerpts from random dating profiles and critique them. For some reason I stopped this practice. But, recently, I was asked if I’d to it again. So here goes, the first critique of many to come. I hope they help. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 36-year old man: I was on this site before and thought I try again. I’m ambitious and take care of myself mentally and physically. I have travelled extensively and even… read more →
Online dating sites. Where every day is Halloween.

It’s been awhile since I showcased outrageous online dating profiles. But it’s Halloween and I’m feeling inspired. So, in honor of all things terrifying, I scanned a few random dating profiles and picked a few worth sharing. For your entertainment, here are some of the craziest, scariest and most insane profiles I’ve had the giddy, guilty pleasure of reading.The bold headings are from yours truly (I couldn’t help but add my commentary). The excerpts are in italics. Oh and don’t read… read more →
Online dating and the insignificance of your headline (gasp!).

As someone who’s spent years as a copywriter, I know the importance of headlines. In fact, ad writers often spend hours on them. After all, great headlines can ultimately maximize a client’s investment. Conversely, bad headlines can backfire badly. Yet, despite the fact that I’ve sent clients big bills for writing one simple headline – and I sincerely believe that they’re worth their weight in gold in most cases – I confess they have little value when it comes to… read more →
Online dating in track pants.

I confess. When I was online dating, I sat behind my computer in track pants. My hair was usually in a tousled ponytail. I wore socks with no shoes. Truth be told, had it not been for the fact that I shower daily, I was pretty much ungroomed. Oh and I’d eat little sesame snacks too. Crumby does not begin to describe what my keyboard looked like. It didn’t matter though. Who would know? I sat behind the anonymity of… read more →
Online dating and “what does fair have to do with it”.

I’ve seen a number of dating profiles with variations on the words, “Must have pic. It’s only fair.” Fair? Really? Fair is to online dating what big toes are to fried chicken. That is – totally unrelated. Actually, let me make this even clearer: Fair is to online dating what otters are to Barry White. Fair is to online dating what spleens are to overdue library books. Fair is to online dating what pedicures are to kiwi fruit. I could go on.… read more →
Online Dating and Brad Pitt’s Ponytail.

The other day a friend said, “Hey, you look like Brad Pitt”. This disturbed me for three good reasons: A) I’m a female B) I don’t have dark blond hair C) Last I checked (and I check regularly!), I didn’t have facial hair. Truthfully, it was C that caused me the greatest concern. Thankfully, my worries were pacified when she added, “He was at some show wearing a ponytail too.” Like many females, I’ve been donning a ponytail off and… read more →
Online dating profiles and Ashton Kutcher.

According to recent news reports, and by news I (admittedly) mean TMZ, Ashton Kutcher gave a surprisingly thoughtful and intelligent speech at the Teen Choice Awards. It even impressed Rush Limbaugh who usually just likes to listen to himself speak. It’s easy to misjudge the acumen of someone whose professional highlights can be summed up by “Dude, where’s my car” and “Punked”. In fact, it’s quite common to …um… …by the way, is anyone else disturbed by the thought of… read more →
Luv and online dating profiles.

Not long ago, I noticed that people were throwing around the expression “I heart” rather than saying “I love”. I assume this was meant to be cute. Personally, as a writer and someone over 3 years of age, I found it to be annoying. I’m fine with using a heart as a symbol for love. It’s a great visual and has certainly been used successfully in the ads for New York. However, to use it instead of love in a… read more →
Online Dating Profiles and Kimye.
The other day I read that Kanye West is a great dad and has been for the entire two months that he’s been a Dad. After all, he flew in for the birth of his child and has been by her side since. “Great”. It seems Kim’s maternal instincts are inspiring too. When Pussycat Dolls founder, Robin Antin, saw her holding the baby, she couldn’t help but gush, ‘Oh, my God. You’re a natural.’ It’s true. Not everyone can hold… read more →