All posts tagged with online dating profile writing

Online dating profiles and catfish tales.

  The number one tip to avoid catfishing? Read on, you’ll be hooked. I was on two talk shows recently and both addressed online dating and catfishing (here’s an edited version with solid dating safety advice). For those unfamiliar with the term, a catfish is someone who posts a fake online dating profile and fools interested parties hook, line and sinker (oh come on, someone had to say it). It’s been the subject of a movie and an MTV show. In addition,… read more

Online dating profiles and the biggest mistake women make.

A blog inspired by International Women’s Day. As an online dating profile writer, it’s my job to check out common mistakes made on dating profiles. I tend to take a critical eye based on my marketing expertise (I’ve been an ad writer for years). Nevertheless, there’s one mistake that women make and it has nothing to do with marketing fundamentals. It has everything to do with self-esteem. That is – too many women make the mistake of apologizing for themselves.… read more

How to improve your online dating profile. NYC singles edition.

Once again I’m featuring an excerpt from an online dating profile that I randomly chose from one of the online dating sites catering to NYC singles. Following the excerpt (modified slightly for anonymity) is a critique, which can help you write a better online dating profile.  Every time I write a critique, it provides you with an insight that’s based on my work as online dating profile writer, as well as my years of experience working as a copywriter and… read more

Writing your online dating profile, tips for California singles.

Every week I scan dating profiles from all over the States. I then pick arbitrary excerpts from three, which I critique based on my years as an ad writer and marketing expert – skills that I’ve since transferred to writing online dating profiles. Feel free to check out my bio. The critiques are meant to help you too by providing tips to improve your own online dating profile. This week, my focus has been on the dating profiles of singles… read more

Improve your online dating profile. Tips for California singles.

This is the second blog to feature an excerpt from the dating profile of a single online dating in California. I pick the dating profiles arbitrarily and change them slightly to keep the anonymity of the writer. I then critique an excerpt based on my years as an ad writer and marketing expert – skills that I’ve since transferred to writing online dating profiles. Feel free to check out my bio and online dating samples of my work. Even though… read more

How to write a better online dating profile. LA Singles Edition.

Thus far this week, I’ve posted two excerpts from online dating profiles that I’ve read on dating sites catering to LA singles. I’ve then critiqued the excerpts and offered profile writing tips based on my experience as an ad writer and marketing expert (you can check out my bio here). This third excerpt is the last one from LA. Next week, I’ll move on to California in general then I’ll expand to each State. In the meantime, I hope the… read more

How to write your online dating profile -profile writing tips for Los Angeles singles.

This week, I’ve been scanning random dating profiles written by LA singles. Thus far, I’ve written one blog post where I shared an excerpt from one of the dating profiles. I then provided a critique with profile writing tips based on my expertise in ad writing and marketing (check out my bio). Today’s blog features this excerpt from a single woman in her 40’s followed by my critique. Tomorrow, I’ll post another blog about singles in LA and then I’ll move… read more

Online dating profile writing tips for Los Angeles singles.

I decided to scan some arbitrary dating profiles in the Los Angeles area this week. Over the next few days I’ll post excerpts from some of them and then critique them while providing profile writing tips based on my expertise in ad writing and marketing (check out my bio). Here’s the first excerpt from a man in his 40’s followed by my critique: If you can’t make time to meet after emailing/texting for a week…then you’re not the girl for… read more

Online dating profile writing tips for New York singles.

This week, I’ve looked at a number of dating profiles written by single men and women who are online dating in New York. Thus far, I’ve written two blogs where, based on my marketing expertise, I critique an excerpt from an arbitrary dating profile (though I do change it slightly for the sake of anonymity). This is an excerpt from the dating profile of a single woman in her late 30’s: LIVE LIFE LOVE Hmmmm…..I’m fun love to laugh ..… read more

Online dating profiles of New York Singles.

This is the second of three blogs where I critique excerpts from arbitrary dating profiles written by New York singles. The insights I share are based on my marketing expertise. Please feel free to check out my bio, as well as the online dating profile samples of my work. This is an excerpt from the dating profile of a single man in his early 50’s: I am a nice, fun, faithful guy looking for the same in a woman. I… read more