All posts tagged with online dating profile writing

How to Write a Dating Profile: Tips 12 and 13.

I post blogs twice a week. At the beginning of the week, I post a blog that critiques excerpts from two (anonymous) dating profiles that I’ve found on dating sites. The blog is specific to dating profiles, however the critiques are based on my 20 years of experience as an ad writer and marketing expert. At the end of the week, I post a more entertaining blog with a broader focus on self-promotion. So check back for that one on… read more

How to Write a Dating Profile: Tips 10 and 11.

At the beginning of every week, I post a blog that critiques excerpts from two arbitrary dating profiles that I’ve found on dating sites. The blog is specific to online dating profiles, however the critiques are based on my 20 years of experience as an ad writer and marketing expert. At the end of every week I post a blog with more emphasis on self-marketing. It’s written in a way that both informs and entertains. So do watch for it… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 21.

I don’t understand the uproar over Anthony Weiner. For one, he’s a politician  – a scandal is as predictable as David Caruso’s acting. More importantly, his name is Weiner so it’s fitting that his particular scandal involves his wiener (no that’s not a typo, that’s how it’s spelled). Besides, Weiner is a name that begs for wiener jokes not jokes about funds misappropriations or weapon selling (although cracks about missiles could be pretty funny especially in the hands, so to… read more

How to Write a Dating Profile: Tips 8 and 9.

At the start of every week, I post a blog that critiques two excerpts from online dating profiles that I happened to come across while scanning various dating sites.  As a marketing expert and ad writer, I’m trained to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to marketing yourself with written word. I hope my feedback helps you in your own efforts. For a blog that’s both helpful and entertaining, be sure to check back this Friday when… read more

How to Write a Dating Profile: Tips 6 and 7.

Usually, my tweets and blogs provide self-marketing advice that gets doled out with a fair bit of humor. As such, both singles and couples can enjoy them. The more entertaining blogs get posted on Fridays. At the start of the week, however, I post more straightforward blogs that critique two excerpts from random dating profiles that I’ve come across. Though specific to online dating profiles, the blogs nonetheless provide insight on how (and how not) to market yourself online. Here… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 20.

I scan online dating sites all the time. I read countless dating profiles by sincere, well-intentioned people whose only challenge is that they don’t know how to market themselves. I also have the good fortune to deal with the nicest clients imaginable – genuine and interesting people – who enhance my life every single day. As such, I need balance. I need – nay, I crave – the Agony Series the way Elvira craved camp and hairspray. I love that,… read more

How to Write a Dating Profile: Tips 4 and 5.

At the start of every week, I critique two excerpts from random dating profiles that I’ve found on various sites. At the end of every week I post a funny dating blog that, nonetheless, offers solid advice on how to write a dating profile based on marketing techniques. Because it’s entertaining, both singles and couples can enjoy the read. So for a concise blog specific to online dating profiles, I hope you enjoy this one. For broader marketing techniques in… read more

How to Write a Dating Profile. Tips 1, 2 and 3.

Having revamped my site and added more services, I’ve also decided to revamp my blogs and add more value. For those single or not who enjoy the humor of my blogs – first, thank you – you can still read them here at the end of every week. You can find entertaining tips in every one of my tweets, which are posted on both Twitter and Facebook. For those who want matter-of-fact marketing tips on writing online dating profiles, I’m… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 19.

It’s back. After a teeny break (I’ve been swamped and can’t thank all of you enough for sharing my blogs and making my business grow), the next installment of Online Dating Profiles. The Agony is ready to entertain you. Years ago I saw one of the funniest condom commercials ever. I happened to see it again the other day and realized that everything, from the scene to the cautionary message at the end, makes me think of certain crazed online… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 18.

When it comes to radio ads, it’s a copywriter’s job to write a script and then hire an announcer to read it in a studio where it gets recorded. At some point in a copywriter’s career, if not at several points, a studio engineer will inevitably play a recording of Orson Welles reading a script about frozen peas where he goes into one long, surly, condenscending rant. It’s both shocking and entertaining.   Though announcers are usually decent, friendly people… read more