All posts tagged with online dating profile writing

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 17.

I once worked with an Art Director with whom I tried to bond by applying all the usual techniques common among humans. If we both liked an activity, I’d say “I like that too.” If she recounted an experience that I had shared as well, I’d say “That happened to me too.” If she had an opinion I agreed with, I’d say “Me too.” Despite my efforts, the more I tried to bond through similarities (though few and far between),… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 16.

It’s Easter, the time of year when people fill their tummies with sweetness and joy. Well, most people. In some parts of the world – specifically dating sites – some people prefer a more sour approach. Truth be told, as one who tends to be sweet (my blog, my choice of adjectives), I find the more sour, the more fascinating.   So, on that note, I bring you the 16th installment of “Online Dating Profiles. The Agony” where I feature… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 15.

I admit that crazy, rage-infused conniptions fascinate me. Meatloaf’s meltdown on Celebrity Apprentice left me aflutter. Charlie Sheen, though sad, kept my attention forever. And Chris Brown? His window-breaking, shirt-ripping episode on Good Morning America made me so giddy I could have kissed him! Well, blown him a kiss…from a safe distance.Point is, lunatics are entertaining, which is why my series “Online Dating Profiles. The Agony” is getting some attention. (On that note, thank you so much for sharing my… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 14.

Spring is here. Birds are chirping. Flowers are blooming. Even crows seem a little more melodic. And yet, on online dating sites, people are going all Charlie Sheen on us! Anger, depression, bad spelling – it’s entertainment at it’s most dramatic. On that note, I present “Online Dating. The Agony, Part 14”.   Before you begin, let me reiterate that these excerpts do not represent the norm. Most people are genuine, earnest, and doing their best. They just need help… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 13.

The other day on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart showed a clip from one of Sarah Palin’s riveting speeches. Say what you will about her, but she’s an inspiration. The woman indefatigably uses her mouth despite overwhelming evidence that she should stop. Blithely she spouts and never, ever, lets good judgment get in the way. Naturally, this brings to mind certain online dating profiles that I come across while scanning dating sites every day. Like our Sarah, some people filling… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 12.

If online dating profiles were Lays Potato Chips, I too could not “eat just one”. Usually, when Friday arrives and I feature the week’s most outstanding profiles, I have to stop myself from including more than five. So, just to indulge a little more than usual, I’ve include six. I now feel suficiently satiated.   Though most people don’t know how to write personal ads and market themselves (and, as such, can benefit from my marketing expertise and writing), the… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 11.

Charlie Sheen isn’t weird or strange. He has a mental illness. What’s really disturbing about the drama being played out around him is that it’s distracting us from celebrities who truly do deserve our punch lines – like William Shatner. I know, I know. I really must leave him alone. He is a leader among Trekkies and he moved so many as spokesperson for All Bran. Now he’s regaling millions…oh okay…a handful…of viewers as host of Raw Nerve. When I… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 10.

Once again I feature excerpts from some of the most conspicuous profiles that I’ve seen on dating sites this week. Once again, they leave me perplexed at what some people think are “sweet nothings”.   I don’t expect everyone to be a marketing expert. It’s taken me years to perfect my craft. But is it too much to ask that people be properly diagnosed and treated before they go online? In the wrong hands, a keyboard is a dangerous thing.… read more

Online Dating Profiles. The Agony, Part 9.

This is the 9th installment of Online Dating Profiles. The Agony. I actually only expected this series to last for about 6 weeks, but scanning online dating profiles never fails to give me fodder. This week, every person featured makes me believe that I’ve grossly underestimated the mental capacity and eloquence of people like Gary Busey, Mike Tyson and Bjork. Rest assured, most people don’t have profiles that are as outrageous as this week’s features. Truly, the only help most… read more

Online dating profiles. The Agony, Part 8.

Looking at online dating profiles this week I realized that there’s one thing about Sarah Palin that has my complete support and that is: “Book of Collected Wisdom of Sarah Palin”. The book is blank. As I post this 8th installment of “Online Dating. The Agony” I can’t help but think that some people need to stop themselves from publicly posting their dating profiles. Clearly the following profiles have been written without grasping the fact that a dating site is… read more