All posts tagged with Online dating profile writing tips
If life is so short why did you write a 972-word dating profile?

I just read an online dating profile that started with “life is short”. It then spent nearly 1,000 words proving this to be a false claim. As one who read every single word, time did not pass quickly. Most singles don’t ramble to that extent on their dating profiles. However, many do ramble and for too long. Here are two tips to prevent that mistake: 1) Keep the About Me to about 250 words and no more than 300. If… read more →
Online dating profiles. How to prevent casseroles from becoming asseroles.

“I love playing porker with the guys”, claimed a big, burly straight man on his dating profile. “Can you say insercure”, wrote the angry female on her dating profile. “I do a great asserole”, boasted another single dating online. We all make typos here and there. I once had a helpful “fan of trysweettalk” send me a slew of typos that he found in my blogs because he recognized the importance of a clean presentation. Are typos the end… read more →
Why incomplete sentences on dating profiles speak volumes.

Sometimes I find dating profiles that are outrageous. I usually compile them and create a blog for my “Online Dating. The Agony.” series. This time though I’m featuring an excerpt of a man’s dating profile that, however over the top it is, nevertheless has elements worth critiquing so that you can learn from it when putting together your own. From the dating profile of a 55-year old man. kind,warm,humorus,romantic,loveable,energetic,honest, for bowling,cooking,watching,good,movies,snuggling,dinner,dancing,watching,music,concerts.a hug, a kiss, have a great day , today… read more →
How to stay positive on your online dating profile.

It’s not unusual for me to find poorly crafted dating profiles on free sites. I suspect that, when its free, people feel they don’t have much to lose if they don’t try too hard. Still, free or not, if you’re going to put yourself out there, you may as well do it properly. Today I’m featuring a woman’s dating profile that I found on okCupid. It has one big glaring mistake that many people make (though not quite to this… read more →
Online dating profiles and moving targets.

Oh did I ever find an online dating profile mistake worth addressing! This excerpt features one of the biggest online dating profile writing mistakes ever. I see it often and it’s wrong for so many reasons. Here goes: From the online dating profile of a 32-year old woman. I’m a pretty cool person. I am a good friend. If you know me then you know who I am and what I’m all about. I can be loud and funny, but… read more →
The Diary of an Online Dating Profile Writer.

I scanned Zoosk and today and read a number of online dating profiles looking for one that I could feature here. My goal, always, is to choose excerpts that have common profile writing mistakes so that I can critique them and pass that knowledge onto you. If you can’t hire me for a consultation or to help you write a great dating profile, then hopefully my regular posts will help. From the dating profile of a 51 year old man. I’m… read more →
Not-so-Funny Online Dating Profiles. Tip for Dec.19, 2013.

I have to caution singles dating online about the use of humor. It can so easily fail. You may be funny, but online profiles don’t convey tone very well. Nor do emails. So, while I encourage a bit of humor and lightheartedness, I nevertheless suggest you to do it with discretion. I found a dating profile on okCupid and it carried humor from start to finish. Here’s an excerpt of it followed by my critique. By showing you the mistake,… read more →
Today’s Dating Profile Tip for Dec.18, 2013

I found an online dating profile today on okCupid from a woman with a big smile and a positive attitude. Despite this, reading her self-summary made me want to poke my eye out. I’ve posted an excerpt of her dating profile below followed by good reasons why she needs to revise it. You might be surprised when you read it because it’s a profile that doesn’t stand out as having big, bad online dating profile mistakes and yet… From the… read more →
Dating Profile Mistakes and Tips for Dec. 17, 2013.

I spend a bit of time in the morning scanning arbitrary online dating profiles on the more mainstream sites. Some are poorly written. Some are outrageous. Most, however, are average. As an ad writer turned online dating profile writer, presenting yourself as average is one of the biggest mistakes. Today I’m featuring three excerpts that I found on three different dating sites followed by a general critique. By seeing what I mean by average, it might help you be anything… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips for Dec.13th, 2013.

I happened upon a dating profile while scanning Plenty of Fish today and, within it, is a very good example of a profile writing mistake. As such, I’m featuring an excerpt from it here followed by my critique. Hopefully, you’ll gain insight from it too. From the dating profile of a 48-year old man. I am an outgoing guy, love extreme sports, skiing, hockey, racing, motorbiking, skidooing, and love doing Tough Mudder. Other than riding horses, you name it and… read more →