All posts tagged with writing your dating profile
Is fat the new “fag”?

A few years ago I was having a discussion about producers with a tall, slim colleague of mine. Unexpectedly, she confided that one producer we worked with was someone she found to be especially annoying because, in her words, “he’s so fat”. I was stunned by this admission and questioned her about it. Apparently she was angry that he didn’t watch his weight. Angrier still because she felt that all it took was will power. This was from a woman… read more →
Online dating profile writing tips Thurs. Nov. 7, 2013

I’ve been selecting excerpts from random online dating profiles and critiquing them. This is the last one for this week however. Instead, my weekend blog will provide insight on online dating in general. It will also be more incisive. From the online dating profile of a 39-year old woman I have a natural beauty to myself. I do my best to keep myself happy and healthy and I work with what god gave me…. My smile and inner beauty would be… read more →
Online dating profiles.The critique for Wed. Nov. 6, 2013
Usually I take excerpts from dating profiles and critique certain sections. That way, I maintain the person’s anonimity. Today, however, I took the whole profile and changed two adjectives. Why? Because the profile was only one activity and two adjectives long. Here goes: Excerpt from the dating profile of a 42-year old man: I like to golf and I’m friendly and easy going. My critique As you can probably guess, my first critique is that this profile is not even… read more →
Online Dating Profile Writing Tips. Monday November 4, 2013.
I used to take excerpts from random dating profiles and critique them. For some reason I stopped this practice. But, recently, I was asked if I’d to it again. So here goes, the first critique of many to come. I hope they help. Excerpt from the dating profile of a 36-year old man: I was on this site before and thought I try again. I’m ambitious and take care of myself mentally and physically. I have travelled extensively and even… read more →
Online dating sites. Where every day is Halloween.

It’s been awhile since I showcased outrageous online dating profiles. But it’s Halloween and I’m feeling inspired. So, in honor of all things terrifying, I scanned a few random dating profiles and picked a few worth sharing. For your entertainment, here are some of the craziest, scariest and most insane profiles I’ve had the giddy, guilty pleasure of reading.The bold headings are from yours truly (I couldn’t help but add my commentary). The excerpts are in italics. Oh and don’t read… read more →
How to improve your online dating profile. NYC singles edition.
Once again I’m featuring an excerpt from an online dating profile that I randomly chose from one of the online dating sites catering to NYC singles. Following the excerpt (modified slightly for anonymity) is a critique, which can help you write a better online dating profile. Every time I write a critique, it provides you with an insight that’s based on my work as online dating profile writer, as well as my years of experience working as a copywriter and… read more →
Writing your online dating profile, tips for California singles.
Every week I scan dating profiles from all over the States. I then pick arbitrary excerpts from three, which I critique based on my years as an ad writer and marketing expert – skills that I’ve since transferred to writing online dating profiles. Feel free to check out my bio. The critiques are meant to help you too by providing tips to improve your own online dating profile. This week, my focus has been on the dating profiles of singles… read more →
Improve your online dating profile. Tips for California singles.
This is the second blog to feature an excerpt from the dating profile of a single online dating in California. I pick the dating profiles arbitrarily and change them slightly to keep the anonymity of the writer. I then critique an excerpt based on my years as an ad writer and marketing expert – skills that I’ve since transferred to writing online dating profiles. Feel free to check out my bio and online dating samples of my work. Even though… read more →
How to write a better online dating profile. LA Singles Edition.
Thus far this week, I’ve posted two excerpts from online dating profiles that I’ve read on dating sites catering to LA singles. I’ve then critiqued the excerpts and offered profile writing tips based on my experience as an ad writer and marketing expert (you can check out my bio here). This third excerpt is the last one from LA. Next week, I’ll move on to California in general then I’ll expand to each State. In the meantime, I hope the… read more →
How to write your online dating profile -profile writing tips for Los Angeles singles.
This week, I’ve been scanning random dating profiles written by LA singles. Thus far, I’ve written one blog post where I shared an excerpt from one of the dating profiles. I then provided a critique with profile writing tips based on my expertise in ad writing and marketing (check out my bio). Today’s blog features this excerpt from a single woman in her 40’s followed by my critique. Tomorrow, I’ll post another blog about singles in LA and then I’ll move… read more →