Your online dating site membership. Be informed.

Did you know that some online dating sites have profiles up that appear to be full members when, in fact, they might not be active or paying members? That is, sometimes a profile is up but the user doesn’t have all the privileges of membership and therefore can’t contact you. So if you try to contact someone and don’t get a reply, don’t feel too dejected. It might be that they don’t even know you’ve tried to make contact.

So, if you’re thinking of getting a paid membership, be sure you research the site and find out how their memberships work.

I wrote to a pay site not long ago that chooses matches for you based on a number of compatibility factors. I think this is great. However, because you don’t have the freedom to contact members of your choosing, I asked what I thought was a fair question: approximately how many male members in my age group and geographical area do you have?  They couldn’t answer.

So basically, this site expects you to pay the monthly fee then take a chance on whether or not there’s even a member that suits your location and age. Never mind if they suit all the compatibility factors!

Imagine if all merchants expected such blind trust!

There’s no real advice here other than do research before signing up.

The customer service Representative at Lavaprime (who was a real person and was endlessly patient with all my questions) offered the best suggestions.

These are: don’t just agree to the terms of use, read them, as well as the help section. Lastly, don’t buy a membership on the same day that you sign up. Instead, take it out for a test drive.

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